Chapter 1- Meet...yourself

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"(Y/n)! Wake up! Your going to be late for school!" You hear your mom yell from downstairs. " 'Why does she have to yell so loud?..' " you think quietly, slowly getting up from your (f/c) sheets, and head straight into the shower.

As you turn it on, you think of what today will be like. You were going to be spending your time with your best friends in the world.

There was Sasha Love, the girl who you knew since you were mere babies. Her black hair is curly, but they aren't crazy curls. Her blue eyes can stare into your soul, and she was known as a popular girl, due to her beauty.

Then there was Britalia Sanchez. But you and everyone else call her Brit. She has rather short , blonde hair, that only reached to her shoulders. Her green eyes were... a bright, light green, like a gem. But they were usually hidden by a pair of thick, black glasses. She was the nerd of the group, being the smartest. She could answer questions in 10 seconds flat.

Then, there was Damien. (a/n, the darian of the story) Now him, you still don't get completely. He has bright green eyes, and I mean green eyes. They were like little emeralds, almost. He also has short fluffy brown hair. Damien was the clown. He would always make you laugh, even on your darkest days. Just because he was the clown, that didn't mean he was dumb. He just liked to make people laugh, especially you.

As soon as you get out of the shower, you allowed a deep breath to escape.

" 'won't this be exciting...' " you think to yourself, as you head to your dresser, and pick something to wear.

Since the school you went to had a uniform, you couldn't wear anything special. So, you put on a blue polo shirt, along with an argyle vest, along with a khaki skirt. However, they didn't care what kind of socks you wore... so, you took this to your advantage. You put on your (f/c) socks, with the most wacky pattern.

You then looked at yourself in the mirror, smirking. Your (h/l) (h/c) was in the perfect manner. It was still wet, but it was slicked to the side, so it looked... natural.

You nodded at yourself, smiling. And then you went and grabbed your backpack, and went to the front door.

You looked at your mother, the one who gave you life. She looked like an older version of you, with a few more wrinkles, and long (your hair color) hair. She smiled, closing her eyes. She had on a crisp white dress, and around her neck there was a stethoscope. "So...You have to leave, huh mom?" You ask, crossing your arms. You 2 haven't exactly been on great terms, since you barely spent time with her.

"Yes (y/n). I have to." She said, looking you right in the eye. Then she smirked slightly, which gradually turned into a smile. "And you, young lady, have to get an education. Off you go." She said, smiling. You roll your eyes, but you try to hide your smile. "Bye mom."

"Bye (y/n). Have a good day at school." She said, with a pang of sadness in her eyes. You knew she didn't want to be away, but its what payed the bills.

"You too mom." And with that, you head outside, and off to school. Barely making it to the bus.


(Your mom's pov)

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. I wish I didn't have to see her go...It hurts when I cant even spend time with my own daughter.

But you gotta do what you gotta do.

I nervously played with my (h/c) hair, twirling it around. This was gonna be one busy day... I shook my head, pulling out a piece of paper, and a pen, and I began to write something. I knew I wasn't going to be home, but (y/n) wouldn't.


I may not be here when you get home. But if im not home, can you please'

I stopped, when I heard a rustle coming from outside. I turned around, and I realized that it was coming from outside.

I slowly walked outside, but not before grabbing a frying pan. (a/n I know, cliche, but it works XD) I peek my head from the door, and look around. "Hello? Who's there?" I called out, glaring.

The noise stopped.

I was about to turn around, and walk inside, when I hear a tiny mew come from somewhere.

I stopped, and turned my head. I head towards the noise, as it progressively got louder.

It was coming from my trash can!

I opened it, taking off the lid, and there it was...

It was a small white kitten. It looked surprisingly clean, and around its neck was a black collar. However, when I checked the collar, it was completely blank.

A blank name tag?

I shook it off, holding the kitten close to me. "You must be starving." I said, in a quiet tone. I picked up the kitten, and brought it inside with me.

I instantly pulled out some of the chicken I made the night before, and cut it up into small pieces, putting it onto a small plate.

When I came back to living room, I saw the little kitten's blue eyes gaze at a picture of (y/n). It was of her a year ago, on our vacation. It tilted its head to one side, then looked back at me, staring at the chicken in my hands.

I set down the bowl, and the kitten came running towards me, and it dug its face in.

"Hm... Im gonna call you snowball." I said, petting the kitten. The kitten purred lightly, its ears twitching.

I looked over at the table. Then I picked up the kitten and the bowl, and I placed them both on the table. I ditched my current note, and I grabbed a new piece of paper, and began writing.


I will not be home later. But I think someone else will...'

(End of chapter 1. For now... Is it ok? >_< I mean, I just... Heh. For now, that is all. Leave a comment below. Bai for now.)

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