Chapter 10- The Whole Story

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You walk into the large building, and you could not believe your eyes.

This place was huge!

Larger than you had last remembered it...

In front of you, there was a large stair case, with red felt on it. There were multiple doors, leading to one room or another.

When you looked at the top, you saw Mami and Darien standing there.

Darien's brown hair was for once down, and not slicked back. He wore what looked like a white tee, and a pair of blue jeans. He was looking at you, smiling, and waving slightly.

Mami was wearing the same thing as Damien, white tee shirt, and denim jeans.


You look up to see Ashley, wearing the exact same thing as the others. "Hi (y/n)!" He said, with an innocent look. You blink up at Ashley, tilting your head.

"Ashley, what's going on? Why am I here?" You ask, crossing your arms.

"Well its simple my precious (y/n)-"

"Hey, hold it ash-hole. I want to talk." Damien raised an eyebrow. Ashley turned to him, growling slightly. "Why should I?" His violet eyes flared angrily.

"Because I haven't been speaking to bubbles since the fourth chapter!" He said, crossing his arms.


"Forget that. I want to explain it to her." Ashley rolled his eyes. "Fine." He stepped back, and Damien stepped forward.

"We all like you. You know that. And you like us. Some more than others..." He smirked, Moving his hair from his face. You roll your eyes, raising an eyebrow.

"Get on with it Damie."

"Right. Well, for the next 9 days, you are our prisoner! You will be stashed into the dungeon..." He was cut off by Kyoya, punching him in the gut.

"DAMIEN!!! ugh... Let me explain." Kyoya cleared his throat. "(Y/n), for the next nine days, you are going to spend one date with each of us. By the end of all this, you will choose which one of us you want." Kyoya said bluntly, Damien rolled his eyes. "You know.. I was going to get to that..."

You roll your eyes. But then you think.

Kyoya has a good point.

You did like them all.

For different reasons too.

You sigh. "Ugh... When do I start?" You ask, tilting your head.

"Tomorrow." Mami said, finally saying a word. You nod, looking all around. "So what do I do now?"

"Greysu Is bringing your stuff to the room you are gonna be staying in." Ashley said, putting an arm around your shoulders. "Just... Be careful where you go."

You blink, but you don't question. You begin to walk off, but not before Kyoya calls out. "Dinner is at 6!!"

You ventured around the chase mansion... It was huger than you last remember it.

'Wow... Guess I should move in secretly...' You think to yourself, moving your (h/l) (h/c) out of your face.

As you crept down, you heard a small Creek. You turn around, looking around every corner, looking for anything.

Or anyone for that matter.

You swallowed, and you inhaled deeply. "Who's there?" You called out, bravely.

"RAR!!" soon, a small figure came out of nowhere, wearing a mask of some sort. You couldn't see anything else though.

You let out a laugh, going up to the figure, and pat its head. "Nice try Len."

The figure groaned, pulling off his mask, but quickly replaced it with a white half mask. His green eyes were filled with disappointment, his
Short black hair was spiked up. "Aww man!! How did you know it was me?"

"Simple. Ashley's house is well guarded. It is very unlikely that a... Hello panda would get in here." You laughed, gesturing to his white mask, that was all cutesy.

"Great to see you (y/n)." Len smiled, hugging you. "Its great to see you too Len."

(Damien's POV)

"Alright... Who gets (y/n) first?" Ashley asks Kyoya, Mami, and I.

"Well I think that since I have known her the longest, I should go first." Mami said, tilting her head.

"Wait, that's bull! I live with her!" Kyoya says next, slamming his fists on the table.

I sigh, and shake my head. "I-"

"Let's start this off with a bang! And since this is my home, well..." Ashley moved his hair in a flip.

I slammed my fist onto the table, gaining everyone's attention. "Look.. I know (y/n) better than anyone here. I grew up with her. She is like my sister, and she trusts me. I think I will go on a date with her first."

All of them nodded, staying silent. Then Kyoya nodded. "Fine. But I call next!"

Everyone, including myself, let out a groan.

(Your POV)
You laugh, as you and the younger chase chatted it up. Even after Ashley and you broke up, you always kept in touch with his younger brother.

"...So wait, The horn of a unicorn is like its-"


"Wow... And I thought humans were pervs." Len laughed. You roll your eyes. "Well, if you think that was bad, wait till I tell you about pegasi..."

You stopped, as you hear Ashley's voice call out. "DINNER!!"

" 'okay... This is really happening. 4 people in love with me... But I don't understand... What's so great about me?' "

(And that's that! :3 tell me... Who are you liking so Far? BTW. I got something for the dates planned, so hold your horses.
I GOT SO MANY READS!!! I DIDNT EVEN EXPECT TO GET TEN XD thank you guys and gals sooooo much!!
Leave any sort of comment below. Until next time, Nya~)

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