How you met Mami

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(Mami's POV)

"Sasha, seriously, do I have to?" I asked my little sister. I was probably 5 or 6. I remember clearly. Sasha and I were arguing over what I was supposed to wear. Her friend was coming over, and usually I dont like her friends. They are really boring. Most of the time. Or they normally talk to Sasha only, and not me. 

"But I want to present you to my friend and be confident!" She said, she was 3. Definnately, and there she was, holding up a frilly red fru fru dress.

"I dont want to wear this!!" I said, crossing my arms. "Its so... Blagh!" I stuck out my tongue.

"Oh come on, if I can wear it, you can wear it.  Now PUT IT ON!!!" She screamed, throwing it at me. I shook my head. "How about..." I reached in, and pulled out a different dress. This one had a tee shirt attached to it, with a skirt. It was really pretty...

Sasha rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything, the doorbell rang. She glared at me. "Ugh, fine. "She said, crossing her arms. 

We walked downstairs, and into the living room, where there was a woman. And in her arms, it looked like one of those mini mii's. 

She was looking at Sasha, waving. The woman put the girl down, and she ran to my little sister, hugging her tight. 

But then , Sasha was bring her to me. I tugged at my shirt. 

Maybe I should have worn that fru fru dress...

Sasha smiled at me, with the little girl before me. She looked around 3, maybe 4. "Mami, this is (Y/n), my bestest best friend in the whole world!!" She said, smiling. 

I smiled at the girl, (Y/n). Her (h/c) locks were in a cute bob, and her (e/c)  eyes were shining. So innocent... 

(Y/n) held out her hand, smiling. She didnt say anything, she just looked down, her cheeks a light pink. I couldn't help but giggle, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you (Y/n)." I said, smiling, letting go of her hand. 

But she didnt let go. She just held it there, smiling. She did something with her pinkie, wrapping it around my hand. But then she let go, tilting her head, and smiling at me.

Not much of a talker huh?

I laughed, and we went to our room, to play, to laugh, and more importantly, to bond.

(And thats that! Next time I write, I shall write a chapter of the story. :3 hang in there people.
Tell me, who are you falling for? Kyoya, Mami, Ashley, or Damien? Let me know in the comments. Until then, Nya~)
(Btw, sorry its so short. But there isnt much to write about XD. Also... Help! DX I need a better pic for Mami. As you can see, well the pic I have for her looks like a... Well is a guy. -.- But Ugh. Nvm XD Nya~)

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