An Ashley Chase Closing

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...Ashley. Yes, He's rich. But that does not mean a thing to you. You loved him for him. 

Besides.... He was pretty cute... Even if he is kind of a jerk sometimes.

You get up, and reach into your bag, and pull out your phone, looking through the contacts. You soon find him under "Ashhole*. 


You hit the call button, and you waited, whistling quietly. 

"Hello, this is the chase residence. Greysu speaking."  A voice said. You rolled your eyes. "Hi Greysu... Its (Y/n). Is Ashley around?" 

"Yes. He is. But he is sleeping. May I take a message?" He asked, over the phone. You let out a sigh. "No. Thank you though." You say, and you hang up, flopping onto your bed. 

You open your eyes, and blink, and look at your phone. It was Ashley.

A text.

'Look out ur window.'

You blink, but you shrug, and look out your window, and sure enough, there was Ashley, holding up a huge heart. You blushed, hopping out of your window. 

"Hi Ashley. Er... Is that for me?" You ask, your cheeks a bright red. He nodded, holding your hand. "You chose me, didnt you?" He asked, smiling. You blush, but you nod. "Yes..."

He blinked, then he hugged you tight. "Thank you... For another chance..." He whispered into your ear, kissing your cheek.

You smiled, and nodded. "Of course Ashley... I love you." 

"I love you too (Y/n)..." 

(Epilogue: You guys stay in the current place where you are. You actually end up moving into the Chase mansion! You have 5 kids, 3 girls, and 2 boys. And you 2 stay happily together for a long time...)

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