Chapter 5- You're a what!?

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(Damien's pov)

You know, I just don't understand (y/n),

She came here, scared for her life, and hugging me tight, but here she goes, laughing it off, and even making jokes about it! As if it were nothing. "Bubboes? You okay?" She looks at me, with those bright (e/c) orbs of hers. She tilts her head, as if In confusion. "Damie! I'm fine!" She smiles, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you acting like such a worry wart?" She asks me, sticking out her tongue.

"Bubbles, its just concern.  I mean, you were almost raped by some... person! And here you are, standing before me, acting all... happy!" I say, trying to hide my concern. However, she saw right through that. "Damien.. be honest, what is going on?" She asks, puffing her cheeks. I let out a soft laugh, closing  my eyes. "Well, there is somthing I must tell you."

"What is it?" She asks, tilting her head. This is it. The big reveal.

"Well... I'm a-" I was cut off, when I heard (y/n)'s phone go off. I roll my eyes, as she picks it up. "One moment." She says, and she heads out of the room.


Time to show her my true form...

I crouched into a small ball, as a white light engulfed me.

(Your pov)

"Hello? You reached (full name), what's up?"

"(Y/n)!!! Help! I knocked over one of your mom's special china!" The voice says. It was kyoya, and you knew it was.

Mainly because you could barely hear him.

"Kyoya, calm down, I will be right there." You say, into your phone, before hanging up. You walk over to where Damien was SUPPOSED to be, but instead all you see is his shirt. However, as you pick up the shirt, you hear a slight bark. You jump back, in surprise. "What the what!?"

Right before you, stands a brown fluffy dog! It looked like a collie(for a reference, look up lassie) but the weird thing was that it had green eyes. You shrug it off, and pet the dog. " 'I didn't know damien had a dog... maybe he knows tricks!' Sit boy!" You say, and he sits down, his tail wagging. You can't help but laugh. "Roll over." He rolls over exposing his underbelly. You pet it, lightly scratching it. "Speak."

"Hey (y/n). The dog says, its eyes bright.

You let out  a loud yell, falling back, the collie let out a laugh, as it turned into its human form. ""Sorry bubbles, but that look on your face was just priceless!!" He said, in between laughs. You just glare at him. "Wait..." you notice his ears, and his tail. "You're a... neko?" You ask, blinking slowly.

"Nope. I'm an inu." He says, getting up. You merely cross your arms. "As if there's a difference?"

"There's a huge difference. Inu's have dog ears and dog tail. Nekos have cat ears and a tail."  He says, crossing his arms. You roll your eyes, grabbing your stuff. "Well, I gotta go anyway Damie. Got some... stuff to do." You say, packing your stuff. Damien laughed, nodding. "SURE bubbles." He said, in a teasing tone. You merely roll your eyes. "Catch you later Damie."

"Later sexy." As you close the door, you feel your face get hot... you try to shake it off, and you continue to walk, heading back to your house.

On your way home, you heard some heavy footsteps coming towards you. You turn around, to see a classmate of yours. He wasn't ugly... but he certainly wasn't hot.

"Hey... er... (y/n)... do you maybe wanna... You know..." he was wheezing, and soon, he caught his breath. "... go out with... me?" He asks you , his cheeks a bright red. You didn't want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time you really didn't want to go out with him. After not answering, you felt a arm slither their way onto your shoulder. You jumped a little, and you quickly turn around, seeing who it was.

It was a girl. She was maybe a few inches taller than you. Her short red hair was flying, literally, her red eyes were bright, which makes you slightly embarrassed. On her head was a pink cap. She wore a pair of black shorts, along with a white tank top. "Sorry fella, she's with me." She said, in a calm tone.

"M-Mami love? Er... but I don't see you two together a lot!" The boy stutters. You slowly nod, wrapping your arm around her waist. "Well, that's because we don't show our affection in public." Mami says, raising an eyebrow. The boy crosses his arms. "If you really are a couple... prove it." He says, obviously not believing the act.

You barely have time to react, before your lips met with the hot head, making your cheeks grew red. She held your head, her eyes were closed. To make the act more believable, you kiss back, holding onto her cheek. The boy just stood there, his eyes wide, as Mami slowly slipped her tongue into your mouth, making your eyes widen, but then you closed them again, just going along with it.

When you 2 pulled away, you were facing a very red classmate. "Er...o...okay...s...see you later (y/n)...." and with that, he quickly ran off.

You let out a laugh. "Mami. You saved me yet again." You say, looking at the red haired girl. "Not a problem Foxy." She said, smirking. You hoist, shaking your head. Why are you blushing!? She's a girl!

Mami kisses your forehead. "Call me if you need me. Later!" She said, and like that, she ran off.


You clear your head, trying to process all that has happened. You end up walking for a while, but then you stop, your eyes wide. "Oh crip! Kyoya!" And with that, you quickly run home, to the white haired boy who is most likely not happy.

(And that's it!! Yes. I'm adding a female character, for laughs... you know? Plus, I want to see the results. DONT HATE ME!!! Welp, until next time, Nya~)

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