Chapter 3- The mystery guy

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(Kyoya's pov)

That night

(Y/n) ...

(Y/n) (y/n) (y/n)...

Just saying her name gives me the chills.

However, I wish I didn't get the chills... I'm freezing! But (y/n) made me sleep on the floor. Because apparently its 'wrong for a guy and a girl to sleep in the same bed' .

But (y/n)'s bed look so comfy...

I went up to her, to where she was sleeping, and of course I moved over to an edge, so she wouldn't notice right away her precious kitten has gone and slept on her bed, and I pulled a cover over me, letting my mind drift...

(Your pov)

You wake up the next morning, letting out a small yawn. Today was Saturday, so today was the day you got to relax. 

You look at your phone, and receive a text message. It was from Damien. You happily pick up the phone, and read. 

Damien: u awke?
You: Yeah. I'm up. And you? XD
Damien: -.- No. im slp txtin
You: XD Wow Damie. Welp, anyway, whats up?
Damien: I nd ystrdys wrk. Cn u cum ovr?
Damien: You. Come over. Bring me. Work.
You: Better... But ugh. Fine. Be there in an hour or so.
Damien: Sure. Peace bubbles.

You cringe at the nickname he gave you. But he never told you why he gave you that nickname... 

You were about to get up, but then you stop, feeling a pair of hands wrap around you. You slowly turn to see a familiar white haired shirtless neko...



"Kyoya! Wake up!" You hiss, getting out of his grasp. With that, he shoots awake, sitting up. "Ugh...Good morning mom... I mean (y/n)." He said, with a sleepy grin, his eyes half closed.

"Er... Where did you come from!?" You yell, crossing your arms. Kyoya smirked, stretching, showing his tone body. You had to admit, he looked kinda hot...
"Well, when a mommy neko and a daddy neko love each other very much-"

"THAT'S NOW WHAT I MEANT!!" You blush, covering your face. "I mean why are you in my bed!!"

"It was cold down there! You didn't exactly give me a warm blanket to sleep on..."

"But your a cat!! You could just change!" You started to get irritated, putting your hands on your hips. Kyoya shrugged. "I was too lazy. And besides..." He moves toward you, and places a hand on your cheek, staring softly into your (e/c) orbs. "I wanted to share a bed with my beautiful owner." He said, in a voice soft as silk.

You shook your head, blushing hard. "K...Kyoya..." 

"Yes, my lady?"

You shake your head, heading to your dresser, your heart pounding in your chest. "Im...Gonna shower." You say, and with that, you run into your bathroom, closing the door. 

(Kyoya's pov)

You know that old saying? Curiosity kills the cat?

Well, this cat was killed a long time ago.

I just look all around (y/n)'s room, and I notice something... This room is completely empty!

Well, nearly empty, maybe with a few pictures here and there.

But the one picture that caught my eye... 

It was (y/n), but she was with a guy. His arm was around her shoulder, and her arm was around his waist. This guy had that emo cut look, with the hair covering one eye, but his bangs were dyed red. And his eyes.. I honestly couldn't tell. It looked kinda... violet.

Grr... Who was this guy?

(Back to your pov, again XD)

As you come out of the shower, in your desired clothes, in your graphic tee and jeans, you look at Kyoya, and walk towards him. 

"Kyoya? What are you looking at?" You ask, in an innocent tone. He looked at you with... jealousy? Anger? Well, whatever it was, he did not look happy. 

"(y/n), who is this?" He asks, pointing to the guy in the picture. You shrug. "Just an ex of mine." 

Kyoya acted like he was stabbed in the heart, grabbing your shoulders. "YOUR EX!? Whats his name? Whats his address? His family? Whats the size of his-" 

"Listen to me!" You say, covering his mouth, struggling not to laugh. "His name is Ashley. We dated for a few months, but then he broke up with me. But we are still friends, and that was a joke picture." You say, laughing. 

Only Kyoya wasn't laughing. If anything he clenched his fists, trying not to say something. You roll your eyes, and grab your back pack. "Yo-Yo-"


"Yeah, just a nickname." You say with an innocent tone. This made Kyoya smirk. "Why not Kyoya-Sempai?" He asked, in a slightly seductive tone. You just look at him with an unamused look. "Fine...But anything but yo-yo." He said, rolling his eyes. He then changed into his kitten form. 

You roll your eyes, petting him gently. "I am gonna help my friend. I wont be gone for long, okay?" You ask, looking at Kyoya. He gives you a sad look, looking down. You pick him up, and nuzzle him gently. "I will be right back, Okay? I will try to bring some food to eat as well." You put him down, and you head outside, ready to meet your friend.

Thank you guys so much ^_^ 
And yes... New character... >:3 Mwa ha ha...
Anyway, peace out for now~ meow)

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