16 -Panic-

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[Name's] POV

It was 1:35 in the afternoon, and the heat picked up quickly. Mother Nature is ending Spring quickly and bringing Summer soon. Alexa and I had to open windows to cool the inside of my house. Dying in the heat, we ate watermelon to stay hydrated.

Sweat popped at my brow as I watched television. Groggily, I wiped the sweat off my face, hoping I would cool off shortly.

Soon, a knock came at my door and I went over to answer it. My heart fluttered as I saw who it was.

"Hey, wanna take a dip in my pool?" Sasuke asks, giving me a small smile. "I wanted to ask you yesterday but couldn't since I don't have your phone number. So, would you like to go?"

I nod furiously, not because I got to take a swim but because I got to be near Sasuke. I MEAN....!! It's really hot and I needed to cool off, so taking a swim would be great!

"It's just going to be me and you so--"

"HEY!! What about me?!" Alexa screams from the kitchen.

The scowl on Sasuke's face meant that he really didn't want Alexa to come with. I stare at him with hopeful eyes.

*Can we please take Alexa with us?

Pink dusted his cheeks as he looked away from me. "F-Fine."

I grin at Sasuke and his adorableness. How could such an asshole be so cute?

*I'll go grab my bathing suit!

Alexa ran after me to my room where we grabbed various bikinis and one pieces. Afterwards, we ran back to Sasuke where we got into his car and drove to his home, well, that big ass mansion he calls a home.

"Holy donkey balls! YOU LIVE HERE?!" Alexa shouts, amazed at the size of it. Sasuke stops his car at the front where we all exited the car.

"Yeah," he grumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. "You two can get changed in my room. [Name] do you remember where it is?"

I nod, the feeling of excitement swelling inside of me.

I wonder how big his pool is...

I grab Alexa's hand and bring her inside after Sasuke unlocks the front doors. We rush up the left staircase and down the long hallway to Sasuke's room. We tried on every single bikini and one piece until we found one that we liked. Alexa decided to wear a one piece with blue and green stripes and I wore a bikini with yellow and black polka dots.

"Ready!!" Alexa squealed as she threw open Sasuke's bedroom door. Sasuke was leaning up against the wall, with a towel over his shoulder and his arms crossed.

"All right, let's go," he mumbles, leading us to his backyard where the biggest swimming pool I have ever seen lay.

My mouth fell agape once again as I stared at the massive swimming pool. It was at least as big as the one's at the water park or maybe even bigger.

Alexa ran and jumped into the pool, water splashing Sasuke and I, which snapped me out of my state of shock. Sasuke jumped in right after her, and once he reached the surface, he began to splash Lexa. I just sat on the edge, letting my feet get wet.

"Hey [Name]! Why aren't you all the way in the pool?" Sasuke asked, swimming over to me.

"She can't swim," Alexa states.

I splash her with water, non verbally telling her to shut up. She shrugs and mumbles under her breath.

"You can't swim?" Sasuke repeats.

I shake my head no, twiddling my thumbs nervously as I stared at my lap.

Well isn't this embarrassing?! Came here to swim and don't even know how to swim!

"I can teach you," he takes both of my hands, slowly pulling me into the water. "You don't mind if I touch you, right?"

I shake my head no again, heat rising to my cheeks as his hand brushes against my waist.

"Let's start with floating."

As Alexa did her own thing in the deep end of the pool, Sasuke was teaching me how to float. He told me to lie flat on my back with my arms out wide and my legs together. His hands were supporting my back, keeping it straight.

He's touching me... I can't believe he's touching me...

I was becoming nervous. My heart beat faster than the speed of light. My stomach clenched and unclenched as Sasuke's hand traveled lower to support my lower back. I bit my lip and shut my eyes as to stop myself from squealing.

"When I let go, you should still be floating," he says. "One, two, three!"

He removed his hands and I instantly started sinking. I thrashed about, fear entering my heart. My body was in full panic mode.

Sasuke picked me up out of the water and I clung to him. My arms were tightly around his neck and my legs were wrapped around his waist.

Did I also forget to mention that I have a fear of drowning? Must of slipped my mind.

Alexa swam back to us, a concern look on her face. "I forgot, she has a fear of drowning. As long as her head stays above water she'll be fine."

I nuzzled my face into the nape of Sasuke's neck, thinking about how I could've died. My grip became tighter around him. Sasuke rubs my back, soothing my scared soul.

"It's okay. I've got you."

A/N: this one is a little crappy but a certain someone wanted more >.> you know who you are...
I gladly updated this again, I probably won't update until teh weekend...

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! Love ya!

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