17 -Flashed-

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[Name's] POV

"He's staring, like a lot [Name]," Alexa whispered to me. "I think he's looking at your boobs."

Still at Sasuke's house, I decided I had enough of swimming so I sat in the shade where Sasuke's many butlers catered to my every desire. Fruit smoothie after fruit smoothie they delivered to me, one even gave me a foot massage!

"What are you even talking about?" I mumble back.

"Sasuke! Duh!" she smacks my arm as she loudly whispered this.

"I don't think Sasuke would do that."

"You were so close to him when you panicked, maybe he got a boner and wants to cop a feel?" Alexa wonders out loud.

"I don't think Sasuke's that type of guy so please stop talking."

"I'm just saying. He's a boy after all, he can't help it," she defended. "Also, your bikini isn't exactly the most modest thing. You are showing a lot of cleavage."

"Stop talking, please."

"And your ass does look pretty spectacular."

"For fuck's sake, could you stop?"

"What? Embarrassed?"

I didn't respond, instead I look at Sasuke just as he was looking away. He looked so cute sitting at the edge of the pool, kicking water here and there. Water on his chest glistened as the sun shines upon him and that's when I noticed his muscles. I just wanted to be in his strong arms, pressed against his chest again.

"Let me have your babies," I mumble to myself while staring at Sasuke.

"What did you say [Name]?" Alexa poked at me curiously.

"Shh, it was nothing," I hushed her.

"You know you're drooling, right?" Alexa says while wiping the corner of my mouth. "Anyways, I have an experiment that I need to test out."

Oh baby Cthulhu, please help me.

Whenever Alexa wanted to do an experiment, I was always the test dummy! And it would be for something stupid that would involve embarrassing my entire life.

"First, let me fix your bikini top. It looks a little loose," she says, going behind me and fixing my bikini. "Now go talk to your husband."

I glare at her as she shoos me away, but on the inside, I was filled with glee.

She called him my husband!! I MEAN!! God, why would she call him my husband?! I would never marry him!

*Hey Sasuke.

"Oh," he stands up and smiles at me. "Hey, you need something?"

*No, just wanted to talk to you.

I stood by the edge of the pool, despite my fear of drowning. Sasuke and I engaged in small talk, conversing about school and family. Just as I was about to ask for the bathroom, I felt a weight pull me backwards toward the deep end of the pool.

Sasuke attempted to grab me by my shoulders; key word is attempted. He failed to grab the area he wanted and accidentally ripped the top of my bikini off.


Everything felt as if it was in slow motion. The look on Sasuke's face went from complete terror to beet red with blood dripping from his nose. I could feel the impact of the water hit my bare back and the water engulf me whole. At this point, I didn't care if I drowned. Death was far sweeter than having to come out of the water to face the boy who just saw my boobs.

Oh sweet Death please take me now!

I could feel myself being lifted out of the water. I clung on to the person, my face hot from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," I heard Sasuke whisper in my ear. "I'm really sorry."

I didn't respond, I was too ashamed of what just happened. I can never look at him the same way ever again.

"I didn't know that was going to happen and I'm really sorry."

He began to move to the shallow end, with me attached to him. I could tell he was upset about what happened, and so was I.

"You're not mad, are you?" Sasuke asked, his voice soft and scared like a child's.

I shake my head no.

I could never truly be mad at you...

Looking up from Sasuke's neck, I see his face is still as red as ever. As he sets me down in shallow water, I clutch his arm. He was so warm, I didn't want to let him go. The pace of my heart was faster than normal when he embraced me. His strong arms wrapped around my body as he mumbled "I'm sorry" over and over again.

I realized that I was still topless and let go of him to cover up my chest.

"I think she's ready to go home now," Alexa states, putting one hand on her hip.

"Are you?" Sasuke asks, sounding as if he didn't want us to go.

I nod my head yes and make my way out of the pool, still covering my chest. I glare at Alexa, knowing she set this whole thing up. She only shrugs and says, "He was going to see them one way or another."

We looked back to see Sasuke was still in the water.

"I'll be out in a second," Sasuke says, shooing us off.

"He totally has a boner and doesn't want us to know it," Alexa whispered into my ear.

I snap at her in a hushed tone, "Shut up!"

A/N: asked one of my friends what my next part should be about, they said boners and boobs, so yeah. don't blame me... >.>
hope you enjoyed some of it. i must say, this wasn't one of my best works but...what did one expect from a chapter that's about boners and boobs?

love you bye!

Wrong Number (Fem!Reader x Sasuke)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin