21 -Advice-

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Sasuke's POV

After school, I met up with Sakura because, I needed to ask her something. She's the only girl I'm semi comfortable talking to, and she's pretty smart; smarter than most girls at our school at least.

"Can we go somewhere private?" I ask. "I don't want anyone to see or hear us."

Her cheeks turn darker than her hair. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine with that."

I grab her by her wrist and take her to the back of the school where most of the delinquents would be during school hours. I look right and left to make sure the coast was clear.

"How do you know when a girl likes you?" I ask suddenly, grabbing her by the shoulders.

Her face was glowing red and I could practically see the hearts in her eyes.

"W-Well, she'll blush when you look at her and maybe even look away as if she wasn't looking at you," she says while fidgeting with her fingers. "And maybe even fidget cutely."

"Yeah? And what else?"

"She'll always want to hang out with you, no matter what. And she would find a way to touch you, whether it be a hug or just a light brush against your arm. Also, she'll try to gain your attention anyway she can."


I let my hands drop from her shoulders and back at my side. Sakura looks at her feet like they're the most interesting thing in the world.

"But you can actually tell by the way she looks at you. If she really loves you," she pauses to look me in the eyes. "You'll see the love in her eyes and affection radiating off of her. You'll see her inner struggle when she's next to you, trying not to tackle you and kiss those lips she's been waiting to touch for years. Sasuke, you should know when this girl loves you. She'll look at you the way Naruto looks at ramen."

This is when Sakura gets too close, her hands resting on my chest as she gets on her tiptoes, her lips nearly inches from mine. I begin to panic.

Oh god what do I do?! Do I make an excuse and leave? Do I tell her the truth that I'm not in love with her? Do I push her away and run?

"Sasuke, I..."

I put my hand over her mouth and her half lidded eyes open wide.

"Thank you Sakura, for your advice and all. I really appreciate it. How about a hug instead of a kiss, and I'll walk you home?" I say, not really sure of my words.

She nods and throws her arms around me tightly; I just hug her back, relieved I just dodged a fucking bullet.


After taking Sakura home, I return to my own. Racing up the right staircase, I go to Itachi's bedroom, knocking wildly before opening the door.

"Itachi, you're like an expert on girls, right?" I ask, closing the door and jumping on his bed. My older brother was sitting at his desk, reading a thick book about weapons.

He shrugs, turning around in his seat. "I guess you can say that."

"How do you tell when a girl likes you?" I ask.

He sighs, taking off his reading glasses. "She'll try jumping on your dick the moment she sees you."

"I'm being serious Itachi. Can you stop being a pervert for once?"

"Anything for you little bro," he says, using a baby voice. "And to answer your oh so serious question, it depends on the girl."

"It does?" I say, taking a mental note of that.

"Yeah. I mean, if she's a feisty one, don't expect her to blush and giggle like a girly girl. She'll probably act like one of the boys, call you names and punch you when you're around. But when you're away, she'll squeal at the thought of you and whisper about you to her girl friends."

I nod, listening to every word he says.

"But since I know we're talking about [Name], try making her jealous. If she gets jealous then she has feelings for you."

"How do I do that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Next time you two lovebirds decide to hang out, bring another girl with you unexpectedly and act like it's no big deal," he answers, smirking. "If she likes you, she'll pretend that it's no problem at first, but when she tries to get your attention she'll try really hard to outshine the other girl. But if she likes you as a friend, she'll become friends with the other chick and just act normal the whole time."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm fucking Itachi Uchiha, I know a lot of things! Now get the hell out, Kisame is coming over soon."

I get shooed out of his room. Grumbling profanities, I walk down the long hallway, back to the staircases. My ears perked up when I hear the sound of heels clacking against the tile floor.

"Momma!" I yell, rushing down the stairs, nearly tripping once or twice.

"Huh?" My mother looks up towards me and smiles. "Hello darling, how was your day?"

She embraces me tightly when I say, "Terrible."

"Oh why?" my mother asks, taking me to the kitchen.

"Cause I'm in love," I grumble.

"That's not a bad thing."

"Yes it is! Especially when I don't know if she likes me back. I get so much anxiety just thinking about her rejecting me. It scares me Momma."

My mother gives me that sympathetic look as she caresses my cheek. "Oh honey."

"Mom, what do I do when confessing my love to a girl?" I ask her.

"Well, be confident. Girls love confident men. Dress nicely, and smell good too. Oh, and don't forget gifts! Like flowers and chocolates and maybe even a teddy bear. But before any of that, I NEED TO MEET HER FIRST!"

Oh, right. Mom hasn't met [Name] yet.

"Yeah, yeah mom. I'll bring her over soon," I sigh.

"That's what you said the last time, but I never even saw her!"

"I didn't want anyone to embarrass me."

"Well, expect to be embarrassed ten times worse."

"No, mom. You don't mean..."

"Yep, baby pictures!" she sang, grinning wide. "And maybe I should invite Shisui over too."

"NO!! Mom! That's evil!" I complain, grabbing her arm. "I'm fine with being embarrassed but dying of embarrassment! Shisui will kill me with all the crazy ass things he says!! Mom, please, have mercy!"

"Fine. But he's still coming over. Itachi has been dying to see him."

I breathe out a sigh of relief, putting a hand over my racing heart. And I thought mom was the nice one out of my parents.

I really dodged a bullet there.

While mom was preparing dinner, I retreat back to my room and plop down on my bed. As I stare up at the ceiling, I think over all of the help I received today. I chuckle and smirk when I imagine a fidgety, shy [Name].

I'll definitely make her fall for me...


A/N: i'm trying to make this a short story but (I've already failed) all the ideas I have for this story just makes it longer! But I hate quick love stories that instantly makes the two main characters get together, and I also hate love stories that drags out their relationship and they get together at the very end with like no conclusion on how healthy the relationship is! UGH!

But anyways, thanks for reading. And KitoPain, it's not rude to tell me to update. I like the fact that you want more of this crap story.
Love ya! BYE BYE!~

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