9 -Shut Up-

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[Name's] POV

"So, about that guy you were hanging out with," Marlie starts to say. "What's his number?"

My eye twitched as she barged her way into my room yet again.

"I don't have his number," I lied. "Plus, he doesn't like you anyways."

"YES HE DOES!!!!" she screamed, frightening me. "And you're telling me that you spent all day with him and didn't even bother to ask for his number?! You're so lame!"

"If I'm so lame, then why did he ask me out on a second date this Saturday?" I stuck my tongue out at Marlie as her jaw hit the floor.

"You're going on a date with my future husband?"

"Marlie, he would never marry a materialistic imbecile like you," I state, sticking my nose up in the air like a snob. "He told me what kind of girls he likes and it's definitely not anyone like you."

"What kind of girls does he like? Tell me! Tell me!" my little sister begged.

"You're annoying, leave me alone."

"No!! Tell me!!"

"Shut up and get out!"

"No. [Name] tell me! Please!!" she beg. "I need to know."

"Shut up or I'm telling mom."

"You're so mean! I hate you!"

I shrug her insults off like they're nothing. "I detest you too child."

"UGH!!!" she yells in frustration when leaving my room, slamming my door close in the process.

Sasuke's POV

I should've got her number...

That girl, she was interesting. A girl that doesn't speak? To me of all people. Haven't met one of those in a long time.

I know she wouldn't be able to speak on the phone but maybe we could've texted. She was such a nice girl, kind of pretty too.


Wait...did I just call a girl pretty? Why am I thinking that? The only female person I ever thought was remotely beautiful is my own mother, and she's my mother for goodness sake!

I know I'm not in love with the girl. No, that would be repulsive. I'm not one that believes in love. No, no. Love is very, I don't know, foolish, absurd, silly, laughable, and moronic. In other simple words, I think love is stupid. Anyone can get perfectly by in life without love. Like, who needs love? Certainly not me.

I stretched myself out as I stood from my bed. I took a nap right after school, letting my body relax from all the stress school brought upon me.

I run my fingers through my hair as my older brother, Itachi, enters my room.

"Dinner's ready," he mumbled.

Have I really been lounging here for that long?

"Okay," I nod, following him through our big house to the dining area. The table was set with a flower centerpiece given to us, well mostly me, by Ino Yamanaka. My father was already seated at the table, reading the newspaper, my mother was still in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the food.

I sat myself to the right of my father and across my brother. Silence fell upon us since there was nothing to say. I could hear my mother's humming from across the way, and the sound of sizzling. I clear my throat and look towards my father.

"Hey um, dad?" I shrink in my chair as he sets his newspaper down and stares me in the eyes.

"Yes?" he replies gruffly.

"Is it okay if I hang out with someone on Saturday?" I ask, tapping my knees nervously.

"Ask your mother," he sets the newspaper back in front of his face. I sigh, turning my gaze to my brother, who has a big smirk plastered on his face and that knowing look in his eyes. Itachi opened his mouth to speak but, mom came in and cheered, "Dinner is served!"


I barely touched my food. I had to ask my mom, the one who is worried about every little thing her boys do, if I could hang out with a girl. My dad doesn't care who I hang out with but mom, that is a mountain I don't want to climb.

"What's wrong dear?" My mom asked, giving me that worried expression. "You barely ate. Is your tummy hurting?"

"No, I'm fine mom," I reply.

"Then eat your food! If you don't, then that's wasteful and I didn't slave over a hot stove for nothing," she glared slightly at me. I just nod, shoveling down the food my brother already received seconds of. There was no arguing with mom and definitely no arguing with dad.

As I was finishing up the last bites of my food, I finally decided to ask the question.

"Hey um, mom, can I um...hang out with a someone on Saturday?"

"Who is this someone?"

"A friend," I shuffled around in my seat uncomfortably. Itachi's smirk came back, and so did that 'I know what you're up to' look in his eyes.

"Sasuke," my mother's voice was full of warning. "I need more information than that. I want to make sure you're safe at all times."

I hesitated, "Um..."

"It's a girl," Itachi butts in, amusement lacing his words. "Sasuke wants to hang out with a girl. Can't you tell?"

My eyes grow wide as an intense heat radiated off my cheeks. "Sh-Shut up!"

"You wanted to hang out with a girl?" my father chuckled. "If I knew that, then I wouldn't have told you to ask your mother."

"Finally growing up, huh little bro?" Itachi snickered.

The only one not amused by my embarrassment was my mother. She kept her brows furrowed, a frown on her face and her arms crossed. I sunk lower in my chair as the males of my family laughed at me.

"Is it a date?" my mom asked.

"Probably," Itachi answered for me, even though it was the wrong answer.

"Shut. Up. Itachi," I say through clenched teeth. Itachi's eyes held that evil glint, and that's when I knew, he wanted to make sure I was embarrassed as hell. My chest tightened as I imagined all the horrible, humiliating things he'd do to me on Saturday.

"You can't go on a date with your girlfriend until I meet her first," mom commands, making my jaw drop. "On Saturday you're bringing her here!"

"But...I...she...UGH!" I sighed in defeat. "Fine!"

I slumped forward, hugging my sides. This, is going to be terrible, I can already feel it.

Itachi smirks, "Does she have a nice ass?"

"SHUT UP!!!"

A/N: Itachi's an evil little shit (but I love him). I was supposed to update this last week (or maybe it was two weeks ago? I don't remember) but every time I sat down to write it, I got dreadful writer's block. But it's out now so, no worries! Hope you enjoyed it! Buh-Bye!

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