10 -Crush-

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[Name's] POV

"Naruto asked me out on another date!" Alexa squealed over the phone.

"Mmhm," I grunted, scribbling down the answer to my math homework. "He may have a crush on you."

"Do you really think so?!" she squealed.

"Or he might just like you as a friend," I say. "Guys are misleading little shits."

"You're such a pessimist! Why won't you let me be happy?" Alexa whines.

I only chuckle as I finish the last of my math problems.

"So when are you going out on your so called date?" I ask, focusing all of my attention on her.

My best friend scoffs, "The same day you're going out with Uchiha boy."

"You know Uchiha boy is Ukulele man, right?"


Thank you for damaging my eardrums...

"Yes way! It's weird, I didn't expect him to be so--"


"No... what I was going to say was, I didn't expect him to be all dark and mysterious. When we talked on the phone he seemed like the type of guy to flirt with girls but never date them, he seemed like a stud. But in person he was, totally apathetic to everything which was--"


"Yes. Hot..." I sigh, feeling like I was betraying myself and Travis for calling the guy I hate most, hot.

"Huh? Why do you sound upset?" Alexa asked.

"It's...nothing," I mumble.

"Let me guess, Travis? Get over 'em!"

"I can't," I pout, crossing my arms.

"You have Ukulele man that is, in my opinion, a million times hotter than that red haired douche."

"But I hate Sasuke!"

"Then why are you going on a date with him?"


"Exactly! You think he's hot and wouldn't mind seeing him again. You're just in complete denial!"

"Shut up.."

"Just admit it, you have a miniscule crush on Uchiha boy," she teased.

"I don't..."

"Yes you do~"

"No, I don't..."

"[Name], you're lying to yourself again."

I didn't answer this time. Maybe I did have a microscopic crush on Sasuke. Maybe. But that chance is like .001 in a million. He's not even that hot, with his soft milk colored skin and obsidian pools he calls eyes. His stupid tinted blue hair and silky voice. I hate him!

"Ehem! Earth to [Name]! Heelllooooo?"

"Huh?" I snap out of my thoughts.

"Did you forget that you were talking to me?"

"Sorry Lexa. Just thinking."

"About Travis or Sasuke?" she teases.

I grumble, "Sasuke."

"HA! So you do like him!"

"I don't. I don't like him!"

"Whaatever you say silly goose," Alexa giggles. "Does he know that you're well, you know, you?"


"Is he stupid or something? He should be able to recognize that it's you by the sound of your voice."

"No. I just didn't speak to him, I used sign language to communicate."

"Oh. Nice. Tell me more."

A long pause of silence as I shifted uncomfortably on my bed.

"Nothing really happened," I answered.

"Something had to happen! He asked you out on another date!"

"Well...It's not really a date. We're just hanging out."

"GURRL!!! If you don't tell me, imma come over there and beat it outta ya!"

"Well," I paused and gulped down the lump in my throat. "He um...promised me his first kiss."

Alexa squealed and squealed and squealed.


"Not really," I grumbled, mentally cursing her for destroying my eardrums.

"Yes it is!!"

I only sigh as a response.

"He totally likes you more than just a friend," she continues. "Maybe he has a tiny crush on you too."

"Goodbye Alexa," I sigh, irritated by her false claims.

"Hold on! Wait! Don't hang--"

I ended the call and set my phone on my bed. Next thing I know, I get a text from Alexa saying 'I totally ship you two now! CUTEST COUPLE EVER!'. I knew she was only doing this to annoy me, or maybe she actually does ship us? One could never tell what was going on in that girl's brain.

As I was about to respond, my phone buzzed in my hand violently. The caller ID read the name "Douchebag" and I knew exactly who it was.

"What the hell do you want?" I hiss at the other person over the phone.

"Hey baby! How's it going?" Sasuke chuckled. "Miss me?"

"Not at all. I was having a very nice day until you called."

"Aw. Don't be like that. You know you love me."

"Ew! Gross! I absolutely hate you!"

"If you hate me so much, why do you continue to answer my calls darling?" he asked, and I can hear the amused tone in his voice.

I stayed silent. I didn't know why I continued to answer his calls.

"See! Have nothing to say! So you, in fact, do love me."

"Just because I answer your calls doesn't mean that I love you! God! Could you be any more of a egomaniac?!"

"Ouch! That really hurt! You really hurt my feelings," sarcasm dripped from every word he said.

"You're annoying," I snapped.

"Right back at you, love."

"If I'm so annoying, then why do you keep calling me?! Why won't you leave me alone? Huh?!"

"I like to mess with you. Listen to your reactions to every little thing. It's quite entertaining."


"Loathsome beast."

"You're an asshole and I don't have to put up with your bullshit!"

"Oh! Did I make you mad at me? I'm so scared!"


I ended the call and crossed my arms.

He's so infuriating! There's no way I have a crush on him!

A/N: I realized this whole story was just dialogue but I'm not changing it one bit! This story is going to get so confusing.

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