4. Do I Know You?

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I'm more than sure that I warned you before we did anything." I said earning a slap in the back of the head from Nadia.

"Now you see what I mean?" She said giving me a look that expressed how much of a dumbass she thought I was.

"It didn't just happen once. It went on for months. How do you not remember me?" My roommate said looking more hurt than angry.

"I know I warned you not to get attached." I said refusing to take any blame in this situation.

"And then you'd make love to me and it would seem like you changed your mind." She said looking like she was going to cry.

"Woah woah woah. I never made love to you." I said laughing.

"You think this is funny?!" My roommate said getting angry and walking towards me.

"Woah, no need to get violent, what my dumbass friend meant to say was that she's sorry she's so much of a hoe that she can't remember the names of the girls she's been with because there are just too many." Nadia said trying to help.

"No, what I meant to say was that it's not my fault girls mmm mmmm mm." I couldn't finish my sentence because Nadia put her hand over my mouth, muffling my words.

"I can't believe I was dumb enough to I fall for you." My roommate said wiping at her eyes.

"How could you have fallen for me? We just had sex." I asked genuinely confused.

"It wasn't the sex. It was how sweet you were after. It was the way you would hold me and play in my hair until we fell asleep. It was waking up in the morning not from some annoying ass alarm clock or my mom yelling at me that it was time for school, but from you kissing me only for us to go at it all over again. How was I was I supposed to read that? You made me feel special, so I thought I was special to you. And eventually, I fell for you." She said and I felt like the biggest asshole ever. Nadia was right yet again. I did lead girls on without even knowing I was doing it.

"I'm so sorry." I said trying to step towards my roommate, but she backed away from me.

"I really don't need anymore mixed signals from you." She said laughing weakly and wiping her eyes.

"I know this probably won't make our situation any better, but what's your name?" I asked and she let a few more tears spill from her eyes before answering.

"Does it really matter? You'll just forget it like before." She said going back to the mean attitude.

"I promise I won't forget, plus we're roommates. I'll see you everyday, maybe we can be friends-"

"I don't want to be your friend! I hate you!" She said managing to get to me by pushing Nadia aside. "I hate you, Daniella." She said quieter than she did the first time.

She was just glaring into my eyes and right when I took a look into her piercing blue ones. I knew her name. Weird right?

"It's Mya." I said hating myself for remembering. I had repressed memories of this girl for a reason.

"What made you remember?" She asked looking shocked.

"Your eyes." I said going to caress her cheek, but I stopped myself.

"You feel the same way I do." She said and I shook my head.

"I don't." I said backing away from her. "You were just temporary. My feelings for you were temporary."

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now