Story 6 Part 1: Mysterious Mishap

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Spy rushed away from the scene as quickly as possible. The Blu Engineer's sentry was suffering from the Sapper.

"Sentry down!" The engineer cried. He shot bullets around the area to check for Spy. The Red Spy chuckled to himself. He looked at his cloak and dagger watch, and let it charge back up.

"Imbecile..." The cloaked spy mumbled as he watched the Blu engineer run by.

Disguised as a Scout, Spy quickly made his way to the Blu Intel room. There was no one guarding it.

"Well that was easy," the Spy adjusted his gloves and reached for the briefcase. He was prepared for the loud alert that came on when he grabbed it.


Once Spy reached his base and placed the Intel down, he was congratulated by his teammates.

"You were on a roll!" Scout jumped.

"Nicely done, partner," Engineer patted Spy's back. The spy lit a cigarette and blew a puff of smoke.

"It was nothing. Their defenses were easily taken care of," he smiled.

"Very vell done," Medic nodded.

"Ah now that's something to drink to!" Demo brought out a case of beers, in which the men happily dug into.

"It's been a while since we've won, right?" Scout leaned over to Pyro. He shrugged and mumbled in response.

"Let's kill everybody again tomorrow!!" Soldier raised his bottle, and the mercenaries followed suit.


Engineer was busy setting up his Sentry near respawn. When he left to get more metal, the Blu Spy made his move.

"Boys, there's a spy!" Engineer called out. Red Spy was near the scene, and decided to help. Straightening his tie, he left in a flash.

He uncloaked and looked around for the Blu Spy.

"I know you're here..." He whispered to himself, holding out his knife.

Meanwhile, Engineer was trying to get the Sapper off of his sentry. The Sparks were flying everywhere. It was all a mess.

Spy backed up towards the engineer's sentry to watch out for the Blu Spy.

"Hmph..." Red Spy tucked his knife away and began to cloak....

However, Spy got too close to the Blu Spy's Sapper, causing the Red Spy's watch to shock him. He immediately fell over, not really knowing what just happened.

Whatever it was, it hurt a lot.

Spy didn't realize he was still invisible, until he glanced down at his watch. He tapped at the little meter, seeing if the cloaking usage would go down.

Usually, if he was wearing that watch, the more he moved, the more invisibility he would use up. When he stays still, his watch is able to recharge that invisibility power.

However in this case, the more Spy moved, nothing happened.

"What the hell...?" Spy straightened up and studied his watch. For some reason, he was cloaked permanently. He tried taking off the watch, but nothing happened. He needed serious help.

"Engineer," Spy called out. The engineer stepped back and looked around.

"Spy?... Where are ya?"

"Behind you."

Engineer turned around, but didn't see anything.

"Uh... What?"

Spy sighed. How was this going to work?

"Listen to me. There appears to be a problem with my watch," Spy explained.

"What happened?" Engineer scratched his head.

"I cannot uncloak for whatever reason. I am stuck like this."

The Red Engineer thought for a moment.

"Yeah that explains why ya aren't uncloaking while I'm talking to ya."

Suddenly, Engineer felt a grip on his shoulders.

"You have to figure this out," Spy said sternly.

"Alright alright! I'll see what I can do!" Engineer shrugged off his shoulders and returned to his sentry.

"Merde. What am I going to do?" Spy mumbled to himself.

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