We arrived at the chamber. Emira knocked on a set of arched doors made of coloured glasses. The doors were opened by one of healer Kymil's protectors. An incredibly tall bulky man will long wavy dirty blond hair. He wore a blue high collar tunic with tight fitting pants and black strap sandals.

He gestured for us to step in then softly closed the door. He motioned for us to wait there while he went to notify the healer of our presence.

The chamber was more like a greenhouse with a variety of potted plants arranged in rows atop the glassy tables. Other plants hung from the ceiling like chandeliers. Light streamed from the glass ceiling showering the plants with its vibrance. As I inhaled the wonderful earthly perfume that wafted from the plants I immediately felt calm and at ease.

Athelas, tiger roses, dahlias, chrysanthemum, prickly bells, hibiscus bushes, hypras and arthodelias were some of the most colourful flowers that caught my eyes.

Some carnivorous flowers swayed from side to side as though stretching themselves from slumber. Aquatic flowers were just as vibrant from the sunken circular pools they sprouted from. This was plant Haven and it was probably the most beautiful place I've ever seen.

Healer Kymil's protector came back to were we stood and motioned for us to go further into this plant Haven. I spotted Kymil as we neared the center. I saw more plants here. Ferns, herbs and lilies and the mandragora.

His hair was pulled in a loose tail that fell all the way to his waist. A few loose strands were swept behind his ears. He spun upon hearing the click clack of our shoes on the cobblestone floor. He too had on a tunic with tight fitting pants. Only his tunic was embroidered at the seams.

I could see why Venerus was smitten with him. Up close he was like a deity of light; so beautiful and innocent looking.

Healer Kymil smiled softly at us. " It is a beauty, isn't it?" he directed the question to me.

His voice

Deities of Herheima! His voice was velvety soft and soothing like honey. I could hear him talk all day long and I wouldn't get tired of listening to whatever he said. It was the voice that could ease you from any form of pain.

" Yes it is, " I replied, looking around in awe." When Emira here mentioned a healer chamber I didn't picture this in my mind. This room is truly enchanting."

" Emira, please be a dear and go to the cookery. Tell Benali to prepare arthodelia tea for us."

Amra smiled at him then headed out. I stared at healer Kymil expectedly.

As if he could hear my thoughts he began telling me all that I was hungry to know.

" Healing is not about healing elmorans or other nokuratus only. Plants also need healing so they too could fulfill their purposes," he explained, caressing the petals of the hypra.

I pondered over his words then the story Elder Fera religiously told me came to mind.

" My ama said I had healed the land when I was born. "

He nodded with a thoughtful expression taking over his visage. " Yes, I remember now. The power you showered upon your land had spread all over the villages and kingdoms of Elmora, both magical and mundane."

He took a hand fork and began turning the soil into the clay pots. " You wonder why you feel drained after healing? It is because you use way too much energy and your very soul. And that, my dear, will send you to an early grave. "

" Then how do I stop myself from using too much energy?" I asked desperately. At this point I was willing to do anything to better my situation.

His gaze fell on me then he said," You simply use both healing plants and a little of your energy. In that way you'll begin to relish healing. " He placed the hand fork back in a bowl filled with tools then took the watering can and began watering the Hypras which opened up revealing their bright yellow petals dotted with purple spots.

" But I don't know anything about healing plants, " I said, hopelessly.

He placed the watering can down then turned to face me fully, his hands by my shoulders. " Then, dearest healer Somanca, you will learn. I'll teach you all there is to know about them." He smiled reassuringly.

Just then Emira came back carrying a tray with Bell flower shaped tea cups then she offered them to us. After taking a few sips from my cup I could already feel the tea working its magic. I felt incredibly relaxed with every sip.

Emira and I spent most of the day with healer Kymil. It was truly refreshing to be in the company of a lad who valued the importance of plants.

He said we would begin our sessions tomorrow. I couldn't wait.

At dusk we went to the grand dinning hall for dinner. I was very disappointed when Amanti didn't join us. Even the Queen was not there.

Emira informed that she was having a private dinner with her lover. I swooned at that. It was hard to picture the Queen being romantic but knowing she took her time in her busy day to spend time with the one she loved was truly touching.

A blushing Venerus kept stealing glances at Kymil who just stared fondly at him.

Havens, it was like Deiphronyt had showered this day with love. It dawned to me that even though I was in this paradise of a kingdom I was still missing out on life. That dampened my happy mood.

After dinner I went in search of Amanti all over the palace. Venerus was kind enough to keep me company. Emira had retired for the night. As for Eron and Ranthel they couldn't be separated from the ladies they always surrounded themselves with.

I just hoped they didn't forget why we were here. As for their forgotten duties as my protectors, I'd shrugged it off for now.

We found ourselves on the training fields where warriors of both sexes trained tirelessly. Amanti stood tall facing the warriors. She looked like a force that couldn't be shaken nor overpowered. This was a side of her that both intrigued me and frightened me.

I was sharing a room with a lethal warrior who was more than capable of killing me if she so desired. The thought had me shifting uneasily on my feet. Though the thought was grotesque, it had a certain appeal to it. Just knowing I could be easily overpowered by her had butterflies erupting in my stomach.

" She intrigues you, doesn't she?" asked Venerus staring intently at the fighting warriors. Even though his question sounded innocent I couldn't help but hear the double meaning behind it, but I answered anyway.

" I've never seen anyone quite like her."

Even with the other female warriors around. I wanted to add but thought against it.

" Do you feel anything other than friendship for her?"

" What's with the many questions?" I asked, defensively.

Venerus shook his head a tiny smile drawing on his lips.

Although verbally I never answer his question I couldn't help feeling like I did somehow give him the answer. And it was an answer he was satisfied with, whatever it was.


Enjoy and thanks for reading

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