“You know,” I said. “I liked it better without my mom. I mean yeah, my dad and his closed mindedness is annoying, but it’s only been a day and I’m already kicked out of the house.”

“That,” he said between bites, “was of your own free will.”

“Oh shut up,” I giggled. “So yeah the whole thing’s just been stressing me out, and I need a break.”

“Come and stay at my house, you know how much my family loves you,” Chase suggested. I coughed a little on my water and it almost went spewing everywhere.

“Uh Chase, have you forgotten that you parents think we’re dating?” I asked.

“Oh right,” he said. “So let’s have some fake sex and let their minds wander.” My eyes went wide, and I froze. “Chas? Chas? Chas, I was kidding,” he said worriedly.

“Oh thank God,” I sighed in relief. “I was about to die.”

He chuckled, “oh Chas, so innocent.”

“I’m not that innocent,” I countered.

“Oh yeah?” he challenged me.

“Uh huh, I’ve probably done more than you ever have,” I replied and stuck my tongue out at him.

“So you’ve slept with over five people? You’ve shoplifted? You’ve been in over fifteen relationships? Really Chas? You’re definitely less innocent than I am.”

“You’ve slept with five girls?” I asked him, astonished.

“Give or take,” he shrugged.

“I love how honest you are about this,” I said and strained a laugh.

“Hey, it’s not like it’s that weird, it’d be worse if we were actually dating,” he chuckled. For some reason, the way that he said it made my heart tighten in my chest.

“I have a question, have you been, I guess dating someone, like as we’re fake dating? I don’t know what the term for it would be…” I trailed off awkwardly.

“That’s because there isn’t a word for it,” he chuckled. “And I wouldn’t call it dating, but kind of.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Well, I know there’s a girl that likes me, and I might like her back,” he shrugged. “Oh and we slept together at a party once, but it was freshman year.”

“Chase Michaels, who are you and what have you done to my innocent best friend?”

He chuckled lightly under his breath, “don’t you know?” He got a very mischievous look in his eyes, and said, “I killed him.”

I laughed softly and finished the rest of my ravioli. “Oh dear God…so, would I happen to know this girl?”

“Nah, she goes to Catholic school,” he shrugged and continued eating his pizza.

“You screwed a Catholic child?” I asked astonished.

“They are a lot hornier than you might think,” he responded.

“Oh dear God, what’s her name?” I asked lightly.

“Too many questions,” he winked. “I’m not gonna be able to finish my food.”

“Ugh fine, finish eating and then tell me,” I groaned. He used this opportunity to eat as slowly as possible, and I narrowed my eyes towards him. “Are you done yet?” I asked after a minute.

“I still have another slice!” he whined.

“Here, let me help with that,” I grinned and swiped the pizza off of his plate and bit into it. “Mine now,” I said, my voice muffled by the food in my mouth.

My Fake Boyfriend PREQUEL TO SUCK MY LOLLIPOPUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum