Sebastian wouldn't even notice me standing next to a drop dead gorgeous girl like Emilie. Frustrated, I grabbed my makeup kit and gave my cheeks more life with a light blush. I don't even think it made much of a difference.

I tried shoving my swollen feet into a pair of heels but they wouldn't go in so I was forced to walk in flats.

"There you are! We were wondering what happened to you." Victoria said as she ushered me to my seat after I entered the dining room. Everyone was already seated and waiting on me. Blush creeped up my neck as I slid into my seat at the other end of the table, facing Sebastian. I could feel his searing gaze on me as I told everyone to dig in and started talking to Vanessa who was on my left. I wanted to look at him, to show him that how desperately I missed him and how I longed for his touch, but the stubborn sadistic part of me wanted him to suffer just a little longer.

"I thought you were going to dress casual?" Vanessa wondered out loud as I took a sip of my grape juice.

"Mm, I changed my mind." I mumbled in reply.

"Well you look hot! Sebastian can't take his eyes off you."

That made me happy, knowing that he was still watching me. Maybe this didn't go to waste after all. But in the back of my mind I was still aware of Emilie sitting beside him, whispering in his ears about things that I wanted to know as well.

But besides that everything was going smoothly, until my grandmother asked Emilie - quite loudly - how long her and Sebastian have been married. A stifling tension rested a top our heads as everyone looked back and forth between Emilie, Sebastian and I. I simply stared at my food.

"Um, legally? A little over four hundred years. Emotionally and mentally? Never." Emilie answered, her sweet Danish accent like honey as she spoke.

"What does that mean?" My grandmother asked as she sipped her wine.

"I mean it was an arranged marriage, madam. We only got married because his parents wouldn't let him become Alpha unless he had a wife or mate. And since I'm not a huge fan of the whole mating process, I told him I'd marry him." Emilie said.

"But four hundred years, that is a long time to be with someone and not develop feelings. Is it not?" I could feel the edge in my grandmother's voice as she continued to grill Emilie and although I knew she was doing it for my benefit I was terrified it would cause more tension between Sebastian and I.

"Oh no, Sebastian and I couldn't be any farther from a romantic marriage. We weren't even together for most of it. In fact this is the first time we've seen or heard from each other in over fifty years. I left him after I found out I had cancer and decided to go and try to live a life as normal as possible."

"Cancer? Can't you heal from that?" Vanessa asked all of a sudden, causing all eyes to be on her.

"Well no, cancer is a deadly disease I tell you. Although because I am a werewolf, my immune system can slow it down for almost a century but after that it starts to tear you down from the inside out. I only have a few weeks left, it's why I came back to see you all. I didn't want to go without saying goodbye. "

Yeah, I know. SHE'S SICK!

And now I'm the evil other woman for hating her for coming back. No wonder Sebastian hates me. His wife his dying and I'm over here complaining about him not loving me. I look up from my plate to find that everyone's doting on Emilie, except for Sebastian who's eyes are still on me.

Embarrassed over my behavior, I excused myself from the table and left the dining room.


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