A few secrets

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Sabine P.O.V
I had to leave. Now I'm on my way to discover what I can do. I will keep going until I find a way out of here. I don't know what I'll do or where I'll go but I know something good waits for me. For now, I just need to take care of some business and a way out of here.

Ezra P.O.V
She just left. Even if I kept telling her to stay. She didn't listen to me but I'll listen to her. I will remember you. I'll find you and bring you back, no matter how much time it takes.

Glam P.O.V
She told me to look in her room and I would find a things for me. Chopper came with me. We found a note, a holo disk and a journal. I remembered that she told me not to show it to anyone so I didn't tell anyone about what she told me. I read the note and never expected to see that.

"Dear Glam,

Once your finished reading, throw this away, keep it or burn it. Do whatever as long as no one sees this. I leave you these things and there for you and Chopper. Since I won't be around, I'm leaving my room to you. I wanted to tell you that Chopper has a mission, to protect you. If you watch the video I made for you, it will tell you everything. Goodluck."

Glam P.O.V
I get the things and go to the nose gun with Chopper. I lock the door and play the video.

"Glam, this video is for your eyes only. Chopper already knows about this because he will be protecting you. Please keep my secret. My journal will help you out. I also have a secret for you, your just like me. You have more power than Evie, your brothers and sister combined. You have as much power as I do. I gave you more because I felt something special in you. Now you have to use your power for good. I know you can do amazing things. I need you to protect me and don't let anyone find out. I will try to keep in contact with you. Be yourself and help me out. I trust you. Bye."

Glam P.O.V:
She trust me and I'll help her. Chop and I are now on a different path along with her now.

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