"Not so fast, you never clean your room anyways. There's a pool and hot tub out there. It should be just as good as the chocolate hot tub. Plus who wants to get chocolate in places chocolate shouldn't be?" Abby asked.

"I wanna get chocolate in those places, god dammit Ab, you never let me do anything fun" I whined.

"I swear Brandon is more mature than you and he's 4" Abby spat. I just rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, i'm glad we're all together as a family, even if it might be the last time" My dad sighed.

"Do you guys need help unpacking?" My mom asked.

"Its fine" Abby smiled.

"What about you Sandra?" My mom asked looking at me.

"No" I spat in disgust. I swear Abby threw me the ugliest death glare she had. I just smirked and grabbed my suitcase.

"I'ma go unpack now" I smirked grabbing my suitcase and dragging it up the stairs. Once I reached the top, I immediately stopped in my tracks and stared at the hallway. I then turned towards my door.


"Goodnight" I told Harry. He didn't say anything though, he just walked up to me and slowly pinned me against the wall. I made the first move by smashing my lips onto his, thus creating our first kiss.

*end of flashback*

I found myself smiling out of nowhere. I probably look like a creep, its a good thing i'm the only one up here. Just incase you're wondering the boys are also staying here for the next four days until the wedding. Sadly, i'm back to where I left off, but at least Abby is with me this time.

I quickly entered my room to see it was..clean. Ew! Why's it clean? It looks disgusting! Why the hell can I see the floor?! What happened to all my pictures and posters and shit?! I'm not suppose to be able to see the wall! What have they done to my room. They made it..clean and tidy. Ugh, disgusting.

"Time to fuck shit up" I smirked opening up my suitcase. I was about to pour everything out on the floor, but was once more stopped by Abby.

"Hell no you don't!" Abby yelled running into the room.

"Nana spent her time cleaning this pigsty and you will not mess it up! I'm going to come in here after you're done and if you messed it up i'm going to tell Harry you still like him" Abby smirked.

"You wouldn't!" I yelled.

"Try me popstar!" Abby smirked.

"Fine" I groaned.

"Great i'll be back in about an hour. Try to be social with the rest" Abby said walking out of the room.

I made sure she left before shutting my door. I then grabbed my phone and connected it to my laptop. Then I put on one of me and Gloria's songs.

(Not actually my song)

"You speak to me and in your words I hear a melody. But in the twilight its so hard to see whats wrong for me. I can't resist, until you give the truth a little twist. As if you're gunna get away with this. You're not sorry. I can't believe I fell for this. I fell through the hole down at the bottom of soul, didn't think you could go solo. Look at what you did you're losing me is what you've won. Got me planning to go solo, solo. You sing to me, too bad you couldn't even stay on key. If you're life is such a mystery, why don't you just stick to acting. Oh, here we go again, again. You couldn't find my number until when, you thought that you could get to my best friend, without a script your game is lagging. I can't believe I fell for this.." I sang while putting my stuff away. I wrote that song a couple of days after I broke up with Jason. Me and Gloria recorded it like 2 days ago. The song isn't even leaked yet, so no one knows about it except me, Gloria, Mark, Chris, and the music crew. I like the song, its catchy, but I doubt it'll make a number one hit.

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