He flexed his jaw and arched an eyebrow, "How come?"

"No parents."

Hayden tensed, I let out a little laugh at his reaction.

"They ain't dead, they just travel a lot..." I added with a grin.

He sighed, "You scared me there, babe."

I blushed, he'd just called me babe? Aw aw aw aw.

"You're so cute when you blush, babe," He pointed.

I closed my eyes with embarassement, "Don't. Call me. Babe."

Hayden smirked, "Alright, babe."


11 missed calls from Graham and a whole bunch of texts.

Graham: Please forgive me. I can't live without you. You basically keep me alive. Forgive me. I know I can be annoying sometimes. But please. Please.

Come on! Bullshit.

It was then when I received one of the most painful phone calls of my entire life.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Honey... Something happened," A woman's voice started saying.

I froze, "Wait, who is this? What's going on?"

A shiver ran through my spine. Something was definitely going wrong.

"I'm Nadia," Nadia? Graham's mom? Why in the worlds would she call me?

I bit my lip fearful, "What's wrong, Nadia?"

"Graham's gone."

The world stopped. My lungs stopped working and my brain simply shut off.

"What... But... He could be anywhere. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, right? He could be hanging out with someone or..." I managed to say.

"He left a letter," She told me.

I gasped, "A letter? What kind of letter? What does the letter say?"

"Nothing good, Laura, nothing good..." Suddenly, Nadia started sobbing through the phone, I didn't know what to do.

"Hold on Nadia, wait for me. I'll be in your house in an hour and a half. Don't lose hope." Really? Don't lose hope? That's the worst thing you could've ever said, well done, Laura...

When I hung up Hayden looked at me, "Who's Nadia, what's going on? Are you leaving?" He asked confused.

"Nadia is Graham's mom, she said he's missing, nowhere to be found. And he left a letter," I explained.

Hayden opened his eyes widely, "He's missing? He left a letter? I think I don't get it..."

"I don't get it either! That's why I have to get back to New York and go to his house were his mom is. Then, and just then, she'll explain me what the hell is going on!" I snapped, I was stressed, alright?

He dropped my gaze, "But Laura you just got here and...-"

"My friend is in freaking danger, Hayden, don't you get it? Maybe he's dead right now and you're complaining about the fact that I actually care about him?"

Hayden gasped, "Alright, fine, I'm sorry. I'll give you a ride."

"Thanks," I said while crossing my arms and trying to forget about the nut forming in my throat.


"Thank god you came, thanks for coming, I was so scared..." Nadia mumbled at the time she opened the door, I could distinguish her red eyes, she must've cried a lot.

"The letter, where is it? I have to read it," Was the first thing I said when I crossed the door. Hayden closed it behind me and introduced himself to Nadia while I read the letter she'd just handed to me.

I'm sorry mom. I'm really sorry about everything. 

I really can't imagine you beeing capable of raising me and taking care of me throughout all these years. And without any help, I mean, without dad. You're so brave mom. It's sad I realise this now, though... If I had realised any of this before I would've left way a long time ago. I bring nothing but disgraces and chaos to your life. And you surely deserve any of it. Don't worry about me, mom, I'll be in a better place. I'll tell dad you miss him bunches, I'm sure he misses you too, and Ruby. Tell Ruby she'll always be my little Unicorn, tell her I love her a lot and I wish this hadn't happened, but it was a matter of time mom...

No one deserves having me near, I don't want to hurt anyone, so it's better this way, I guess... There are no more options. Also, tell Laura it isn't her fault. I'm sure she'll feel guilty as heck when she finds out what I've done. We had a huge argument earlier today. But it's not her fault, really. It's my fault. Everything is my fault always and I didn't even notice... until now. 

What is wrong with me, mom? I swear I try to make no harm but I eventually end up fucking it all up. That's why it's better this way, without me in the picture. You'll be fine mom, Ruby will be fine too, she's really strong. Tell Dr.Fontana, (my pshycologist) that he didn't fail at his job and that I really appreciate his attempts on trying to make me love life. But I learned that life can't be loved in any way. When you're all crappy inside there's nothing you can ever love. (But I do love you mom.)

When I first started loving someone, like, for real, (earlier this year) I really thought I could change and all BUT ALL I EVER DO IS MESS UP. I love her mom. I really love her but I have to let her go. 

I'm sorry mom, I love you.

Bye, Graham.

Author's note:

Guys I'm sorry... I'm guessing you're all sobbing by now but I had to do this. I REALLY HAD TO. All people have bad things, sometimes horrible things and Graham's a little bit of a jerk when it comes to solutions for any kind of problems. The only way he knows things will turn out fine is leaving everything. And guys, ITS NOT THE CORRECT THING OKAY. Don't follow Graham's example.

To be continued...




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