Asgard (Mjolnier P2)

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I went ahead and inserted the original one shot into this too, so you don't have to go back and find it.

If you aren't reading my Marvel trash book I'll let you know here too, I'm going camping. So from Monday morning to Friday morning I will not have cell service and will not be able to post anything.

I awoke to a sunny and bright day, my favorite kind. I smiled happily, it was a Saturday, and I had the day off. I threw my covers off, feeling an irregular burst of enthusiasm. I zipped into my closet, looking for real clothes to wear. Once I'd found something I decided to skip breakfast, all too happy to race into my backyard, collapse on a patio chair with my favorite book, and enjoy the sun.

But my satisfaction was short lived. About 5 minutes after I'd started reading I was interrupted by a loud crash. I looked up from 20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea to see a hammer imbedded in the wall of my house.

I felt my jaw drop open, it wasn't any old hammer sticking out of my house. It was one I'd seen a bazillion times on TV. I slammed my book and jumped forward to examine the thing. Did this mean that the Avengers were fighting in my city?? Even if I didn't know who the Avengers were, I'd practically been raised on Norse mythology, I would know Mjolnier anywhere.

"Holy shit!" I reached the 'mythical' hammer in two long strides, and I stared at it, completely shocked. I reached forward, and touched it hesitantly. It didn't shock me with magic space lightning, so I steeled myself, and gripped it by the helm. I was ready to use all of my strength to try to pry it from my house. But when I tried to lift it, it came much easier than I thought it would, and I fell back with the excess force I hadn't used.

The next thing to come crashing into my backyard was a person, and they hit the ground with a tremendous thud. I stared, mouth agape again. I quickly scrambled to my feet, still clutching the hammer. It was heavy, I mean it had to be so to function as a weapon, but I was able to hold it.

"Um, I think this belongs to you." I said hesitantly as the man got up, his red cape billowing in the random wind that had just sprung up. He turned to look at me, and I was again shocked. I was a bit blown away.

He was way more attractive in real life than on the news. For one, he was extremely cut, I could see that immediately, even if he had the armor on. And two, his eyes were the most complicated yet beautiful set of eyes that I had ever seen.

They were a brilliant striking blue, even though they looked surprised. But I could also see the look of a man who was immersed in a deadly battle, a man who was literally staving off death.

It was his turn to stare at me, with his expression surprised. I held out the hammer with two hands, it was kinda heavy, while stepping forward a few paces. The man(I presumed him to be the famous Thor) took it, eyes looking me over, his face absolutely stunned. He came to his senses just in time to turn and swing his hammer, connecting with a man clad in black carrying several guns who had jumped my fence, I guessed in pursuit of Thor.

If he wasn't in pursuit of Thor and had been attacking my house I would be in serious trouble. So I hoped he was following the Norse god.

The man soared away with a scream, and Thor(?) turned back to me. We met each other's curious gazes.

"Who are you?" I demanded, thoroughly shocked. I mean, I knew who he was, I just reflexively asked.

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