Flash Drive

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About: a mission ;P
Warning: kinda short, but super cute
Also I wrote this a while back so it's not so great XD

I slipped out of the house slowly, considering my every move. I turned the brass knob and hesitantly eased the door open. As soon as I could squeeze between the white door and the smooth door frame I zipped away.

In a rush I closed the door and hurried away into the night. I gripped the tiny flash drive in my hand, racing away as fast as I could. I wasn't afraid that I'd be caught, I was just scared I wouldn't make it to the rendezvous point in time for my ride, or rather flight.

In my hand, I clutched information on James Buchanan Barnes's location. So I figured my partner wouldn't leave without me. Although, he didn't know I had the extra Intel, so maybe I was screwed.

I ran down the street, past quiet houses, I was lucky no dogs barked at me as I raced past their homes.

I started to breathe a bit harder as I swung over a fence or two and left the suburban area. I dodged a few trees, breaking into a foresty expanse of land. It was full of evergreen pine trees, and even in the dead of winter they were thickly packed all around me.

I continued to sprint through the small forest. My body wasn't aching, but my throat was rapidly becoming dry from breathing in the excess air. Finally I broke into a clearing, and allowed myself a sigh, briefly filled with relief. I didn't slow as I nearly flew through the hatch of the small plane.

"Cutting it a bit close?" His warm voice asked as the hatch behind me shut. I felt my heartbeat quicken even further when I heard his voice, and I tried to smash down the feelings that came whenever I was near my partner.

Keep it together [y/n]. I scolded myself.

"I was on time." I retorted, breathless. As the plane took off I bent over, leaning on my hands, bracing myself on my knees, trying to stretch and breathe for a moment.

"Is that what you call on time?" He asked, and I could hear the cocky smile in his voice.

I exhaled deeply, straightening up. I crossed the small cargo hold and sat in the second pilot seat. I avoided looking into his turquoise eyes, knowing I would stumble or do something embarrassing if I did.

"You know, you're not so great with time either. You slept in for over 60 years that one time." I finally lifted my eyes up to his, and smiled despite myself.

His hands moved about the controls briefly, and suddenly music started to play. I recognized that it was swing jazz, and I quickly found myself enjoying it.

"That wasn't exactly my fault." he pointed out, eyebrows raised. However, he couldn't keep the grin off of his face, and I struggled, trying to avoid grinning back.

"Is it my fault if Hydra had twice the guards we knew about?" I questioned slyly, making my point.

The music started to change, and a woman's voice began to accompany it. I listened with half an ear of interest, but waited for Steve to respond.

He simply sighed in surrender, and continued to fly the plane.

"You're welcome." I placed the flash drive onto a small tray that jutted out of the control panel. My mission required me to get information on Hydra base locations, and I'd gone a step further as a favor to Steve.

"What?" He asked, looking at me, blinking a little. I smiled, and sunk back more into my seat.

"I got the Intel on Hydra bases, and I was almost late because I was getting some other information... About Barnes, I think I found him. " I told Steve, hesitating, I wasn't sure how exactly he'd take the news.

He pressed an orange button, and I noticed that it said autopilot. His eyes widened, and he looked at me, turning in his seat to face me. Another dazzling smile sprung across his lips, and I had to blink to push away the daze threatening to overtake my brain.

"You found him?" He looked ecstatic, which made me get excited as well.

"I'm pretty sure I did, and as far as the Intel suggests he's in Chicago," I told him grinning.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my seat into one of his heart melting hugs. His arms were around my waist and shoulder. My arms wrapped around him responsively of their own free will. He was much taller than I was, and so he was bent over a little, allowing his head to be buried in my shoulder.

"I can't even thank you enough [y/n]." he said excited, his arms pulling around me tighter. I closed my eyes, enjoying the hug, and reveling in the fact that his arms were around me. I was freaking out internally, even if I didn't show it, Steve was actually touching me.

"Well... You could always kiss me," the words slipped out before I could stop them. I froze, and his arms grew a little stiffer. He half pulled away, to look into my eyes. His arms felt like steel bands around my waist.

"You... Want me to... Kiss you?" He asked somewhat awkwardly. I guess he hadn't kissed a girl since he went into the ice. I internally kicked myself. Way to go [y/n], that was smart of you.

I surprised both of us. I leaned up on tip toe and crashed my lips onto his. Half of my brain was on repeat, saying stupid stupid stupid. But the other part of me was flying.

His soft lips responded to mine, and his arms slowly slid away. They stayed in contact with me, pulling away from my back. His hands traced around my waist to rest on my hips, and everywhere that he touched me I felt electric currents.

One of his hands drifted to my stomach, curling up there. My arms moved up, draping loosely around his neck. I strained to be closer to him, and my body pressed up against his, my arms tightening.

"Steve," I breathed into his lips, and one of my hands moved to the side of his face. His lips grew more frantic, and his face leaned more intensely into mine. I felt his lips part slightly, and I struggled to think rationally as his tongue brushed against my lower lip.

"Steve," I mumbled again, but it came out as a moan. My breath hitched and my fingers twisted in his hair. He pulled his lips back abruptly, and I opened my eyes, staring up into his.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, embarrassment starting to hit me. I'd pretty much thrown myself all over him, and he must be uncomfortable. I tried to pull my hands away, and retreat, but his hands stopped me, and he looked into my eyes.

"What on earth do you have to be sorry for?" He demanded, a strange fierceness entering his voice. I blinked, and made no more efforts to pull away. His hands slipped back to my stomach and waist, and he pulled me close again.

"For throwing myself at you?" It came out like a question. I looked away from his eyes confused and extremely embarrassed. How would I ever be able too be in the same room as him? Let alone go on missions with him and be an Avenger with him. It was pretty much rule number one that you shouldn't go around kissing your team partner. And why on Earth was he pulling me closer and touching me? He'd sounded reluctant to kiss me, and I didn't understand what he meant.

In an instant his lips were back on mine. My mind blanked out, but my body responded to his touch. My hands rested on his chest, and I stood on tiptoe to reach him easier. This time, when his tongue raked across my lower lip I gave him access, parting my lips. My heart continued to race and he pulled away too soon, again.

"I believe I was the one throwing myself around," he grinned lopsidedly, and the sight made my insides feel like they were imploding.

"Partners in crime?" I could share the blame. I looked into his turquoise eyes, more than a little out of breath. He chuckled in agreement.

"I guess now might be a good time to ask you on a date." he murmured against the skin of my neck, still holding me recklessly close.

"I guess now might be a good time to say yes." I teased.

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