Alive P1

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So I wrote this one ages ago, and I decided to quickly finish it. Makenna's powers in this are based off of the mind stone, and are somewhat like Scarlett Witch's. I think I'll do a few more parts to this, where you'll get more background on her powers.
- [A/N]

"This is it boys." I said aloud with false bravado. I spread my arms wide, and of course like the klutz I am, hit the guy sitting next to me in the face. Luckily I didn't hit the guy too hard, because my aircraft seat belt didn't allow me to smack him dead on.

The rest of the strike team just stared at me, obviously annoyed that they'd gotten stuck with me. I wasn't too fond of the SHIELD pretending Hydra backstabbers either.

I scowled, and we all went back to being silent. I looked around at the dark interior of the jet, wondering on what I was going to do. I glanced back at the guys who's face I'd hit. He seemed pretty pissed.

Their mission was simple, get in, and get out with Rogers. Wherever he was, they had to bring him in. Like I said, simple. The problem was, I had absolutely no intention to follow the plan.

The more I thought about it all, the worse I felt about the whole thing. I knew that Hydra had infiltrated SHIELD, in fact, I was the agent Nick Fury had used to confirm the theory. I'd played along during the whole charade of his death, albeit convincing, and continued to act normal at work.

That had proved to be difficult thus far, as my strongest instincts were telling me to ditch the mission and go help my best friend win this battle.

I was only continuing to go along with the ruse for the next few hours, because as soon as we found Steve and Natasha, I was going to kick the Strike team's ass and find some way to reach Cap. I was done with pretending to be a compliant agent, my loyalties were not with SHIELD anymore. These days, not even Nick Fury held my true loyalties.

Right now, my allegiance was pledged to my friend, who was also coincidentally Captain America.

I sat in my uncomfortable seat and wondered about what exactly I was going to do. I knew I wouldn't be finishing the mission, it was already decided in my mind that I would take out the Hydra strike team and join Steve. But how?

"Get your gear, we're approaching the landing sight." Rumlow's voice spoke through the aircraft communication head phones that I was wearing. I complied by sitting still because I already had my weapons ready, I wasn't your average SHIELD agent. Then again, I wouldn't be a SHIELD agent for much longer.

The aircraft slowly started to descend and I swallowed against the bile rising in my throat, I really hated heights. With a soft jolt we touched down to the ground and I got ready to go.

"Let's move out, we've got a job to do." Rumlow commanded as we all unbuckled our seat belts. He strolled out of the cockpit and into the back area of the plane, where we were all stood to attention. There were 6 members in the strike team, I was just an added power. Literally an added power, I was (un)lucky enough to possess the powers of telekinesis and telepathy.


I walked through the store, trying to seem as if I had a purpose that was other than finding a missing person. I wished Steve had just taken me with him from the start, but I knew he probably hadn't had the chance to find me before he had to run.

But now I was in a Target, with 6 other operatives who wanted to kill Steve. It's too bad for their sakes, because I was going to kill them first. The strike team was made up of monsters. They were murderers without feelings, and I probably wouldn't loose much sleep over killing them to protect the people I loved.

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