Avenger in Training(part 1)

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This is a bit shorter than normal, but I'm hitting a bit of writers block rn, so that's my excuse.

I walked up to the building nervously, heading for the meeting that was going to change my life. My anxiety and nerves were basically going haywire, and I was nearly shaking with fear. I took a deep breath, and put on my brave face. The face that was confident, brave, strong, everything that I really wasn't.

I walked through the double doors, opening one and stepping inside quickly. I really wanted to get out of the snow that was covering the vast field and various Avengers buildings, and I was headed straight into the biggest one.

There weren't as many people bustling around as there had been at SHIELD headquarters, but what was to be expected? I walked confidently towards the large circular-wrap-around counter in the middle of the reception room. My combat boots clunked against the tile floor, and I suppressed a grin. I absolutely loved boots. Especially the kind that I could kick ass in.

I made it to the desk, and a lady turned in her office chair towards my direction. She was busy chatting away on her cell phone, and actually painting her nails red. She kept yaking on and on into her phone until I made a fake coughing sound to get her attention. I wasn't about to be late for this meeting because this damn receptionist was too busy with her personal life to do her job.

"Can I help you?" She asked tersely, glaring at my as she held the cellphone away from her face. She wasn't very pretty, mostly because she was frowning and wearing a very unflattering bright green dress. Green dresses, a bad attitude, and frizzy black hair aren't always a good combination.

"I'm here to see Mr. Stark." I sighed, I was already frustrated with this woman, and I had been there only a few minutes. I knew that I'd be the only 'super' they would be expecting to show up today. A look of apprehension dawned on her face.

"Ah, well, head into conference room A113, it's down to your right." she pointed down a long hall, and I walked away as soon as I could. I was here to get a job, not make pleasantries. Besides, the woman had been a extreme rude up until she figured out who I was. I really didn't like that kind of person.

Eventually I reached the conference room, and took a long, deep breath. I fidgeted with my clothes for a moment, and opened the door. I stepped inside, meeting the appraising eyes of Hawkeye, Falcon, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Vision, Scott Lang, and none other than Steve Rogers. I heard the door click shut behind me, and I was suddenly embarrassed. Stark hadn't said the whole extended team would be here.

"Makenna." Stark greeted as he stood and walked over, offering his hand. He wore a plain enough grey dress shirt(it had the iron man symbol on it), and some simple black slacks. I hesitantly shook his hand.

"Stark," I greeted, my gaze a little colder than necessary. "I thought this was a one on one meeting." I accused, my voice a little strained.

"Well, I figured you should meet the whole team." He shrugged, and gestured to an empty seat at the head of the table. I walked to the other end of the table and sat, glancing warily at the overwhelming group of superheroes.

I sat closest to Rogers, who was at my diagonal right, and Vision who was to my diagonal left. I grew nervous, and didn't say anything, afraid of doing anything stupid. I waited for Tony to start with a disapproving eyebrow raised, content to stare him down.

"So, ex-Red Room?" Natasha Romanoff interjected into the silence. I only nodded in response, too nervous for much else. I saw Steve Rogers look at me more apprehensively from the corner of my eye.

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