Demigods {THOR}

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"I'll take a swing at it," You offered, putting your drink down and standing up. Cat whistles sounded around you, and you rolled your eyes, your team was nothing if not immature. You walked to stand in front of your boyfriend, and he looked at you with an amused smile.

You turned to the coffee table where his hammer was placed. Your eager teammates started to place bets, and you waited for them all to finish and settle down.

"Are you all done betting?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just get on with it!" Tony prompted, and you shrugged. You reached down, grabbed the hammer by its hilt, and picked it up casually. There was a mix of dropped jaws, laughter, and cheering.

"This has to be rigged," Sam shook his head, unbelieving.

"Sorry boys, I guess I'm just worthy." You grinned, dropped the hammer, and took your seat again, sharing an amused look with your boyfriend, Thor.

He was obviously holding back laughter, but you made no attempt to hold back your's. The evening had been interesting, but only three of the occupants in the room knew just how interesting.

There were now three individuals who could lift the hammer. You'd done it before when no one was looking, just to prove it to yourself. Thor, of course, could wield his own weapon. And Steve Rogers, now that was a surprise. If anyone he would certainly be worthy, but while he had pretended to be unable, Thor and you knew that he could do it.

You were betting that Steve knew too.


You walked into the kitchen to find Thor eating a box of pop tarts. Of course. You two shared an apartment, or rather you owned your own apartment, and when he came to Earth he stayed with you.

You sat down next to him, took one of the pop tarts, and ripped off the wrapper. He looked up from his breakfast and gave you a broad smile.

"Good morning," he greeted, looking down at you with a look you'd long since memorized. It was the look he gave you whenever he was just simply happy to see you.

"Morning," You yawned sleepily, rubbing your eyes again before ripping your pop tart into pieces to eat. He chuckled, amused by your tired attitude.

"So, when are you going to teach me how to use this thing?" You asked him, still sleepy, gesturing to the hammer that rested on the table near you two.

"Would you like to learn Asgardian combat?" He asked with a smile, seeming thrilled that you were interested. You knew that he often was very protective of you, and would often shield you from harm, but he knew that you could handle myself just fine in a fair fight.

"Of course!" You said eagerly, a little less sleepy now that you might actually get training in Asgardian battle techniques.

He chuckled at you eagerness, "Perhaps I could arrange something with Lady Sif, she could teach you the ways of a warrior of Asgard."

"Pff, Sif has resented me from the moment that I met her, I want you to teach me." You pouted stubbornly. He thought for a moment, continuing to eat his pop tart breakfast. You still thought that it was cute that he liked them, and always made sure to have plenty of boxes in the pantry.

Thor didn't exactly have a schedule for when he would visit, it could take weeks or days between trips to Earth. He had a duty on Asgard, he had a duty to fight and bring peace to the nine realms. It had taken a while for you to feel comfortable with it, but after 2 years with him you'd gotten used to the odd relationship.

It'd been a rocky road, but you two had gotten to the point where things felt relatively easy. You had to admit, you often wondered if you would ever be married. You didn't know how that would work, or if you'd rule Asgard with him, or if you'd become immortal, or what. You just knew that you loved him.

"To properly wield the hammer?" He clarified, glancing at you from the corner of his eye again. You nodded.

"I suppose that I could teach you, I'm merely concerned about how breakable you are compared to an Asgardian."

"Right, the whole half immortal thing, with the long life and strong physique and such," You tried to speak nonchalantly, but it was hard. You really loved Thor, and the thought that you would grow old and he would become bored was excruciating. You didn't like to imagine what life would be without him, and you certainly didn't want to think of it now.

"I suppose..." He murmured, looking completely lost in thought.

"Suppose what?" You asked eagerly. You didn't care if you could almost beat Captain America in a normal fight because of your "Midguardian" training. You were ecstatic at the thought of almost besting Thor in an Asgardian styled battle.

He chuckled softly, he often said that he loved your near tangible enthusiasm for new things.

"There are ways to make a mortal stronger or even equal to an Asgardian. The Captain was modified to be the way he is, and Asgard has its own version of that type of alteration to a mortal. In all truth, I don't believe Steve Rogers to be a mere mortal any longer. There are even more extreme ways to turn a mortal into a demigod, or whatever you wish to call a being such as I." He had taken your hands in his somewhere in that explanation.

"You would... Do that for me?" You asked, heart leaping in your chest. Was he actually offering what you thought he was?

"I would do anything for you, [y/n] [y/l/n]." He spoke softly yet surely, smiling down at you.

You beamed shyly at him, your heart swelling. Maybe you wouldn't have to face growing old without him.

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