chapter 20: you got to be kidding

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Laurence's POV:

So.... I really have zero clue of what's going on. I mean, with garmau coming back from their honeymoon and Travis says Zane's still alive. Is Travis spy or is he on our side?
Just a lot of questions and I want to talk to Garroth about it.
So I made my way over to the tower where like usual Garroth was busy. I had to know.
I said," Garroth? You got a minute?"

Garroth stopped what he was doing and said sure. So I continued," listen. Can you tell me what's going on. I'm second in command but I barely know what's happening."

Garroth took a moment to think. Then explained to me," Laurence, zane is still alive, he's injured, but alive. I've been insure how to feel and Aphmau wants to help as much as she can but she knows she can't relate to me and how I feel. As for travis. He is not a spy or traitor, he told us and is working on luring Zane's trust so we can trap him. So far everything is going to plan. And once we capture zane we'll decide what to do with him..."

I was shocked. Garroth must be going through a lot. I mean he learned his brother is alive and doesn't know how to feel.
I don't know travis that well yet either so I get that part of having to put my trust in someone random. But can we really trick zane?
I have no clue..

Aphmau's POV:

So travis came to meet with me and tell me everything that's happening. I was drinking my tea when travis told me their plan. I spat it out because travis actually convinced zane to reform and be good.
I must be dreaming and so must he cause I would never let that scumbag back into my village again!
I told him," Impossible! He's horrible! I don't believe he would ever change!"

Travis," but lord Aphmau shouldn't we at least give it chance? Cause if he does, that could mean good terms with O'kahsis and an allie instead of an enemy!"

Still didn't believe," what makes you think he can be reformed?"

Travis," when we we're talking about his plans. I asked him why did he hate Garroth so much.. And I guess he realized something wrong and didn't feel like attacking as much. So I told him we could working on becoming friends with the people of phoenix drop."

This didn't seem right," what makes you so sure he isn't playing you?"

Travis," there was something in his voice that just true... Like when he talked his tone wasnt practiced or clam.. He sounded genuine and a bit scared. "

Is he serious...," you really believe he can change?"

Travis," yes! Can we give him a chance?"

He is..," you have my approval but you going to need garroth's as well.. But I think he might agree. I'll talk to him and let you know."

Travis," okay what do I do in the mean time?"

Should he work on reformation?," uh... Just continue your plan with zane. He's going to need lots of help to change but I'd you believe than go."

Travis," Thank you lors Aphmau! I promise this is no mistake!"

He stormed off before I could say anything else. Reform Zane? Are we talking about the same person? I wonder how Garroth is going to take this.. He isn't on the best terms with family...
I walked over to the guard tower. Laurence was just leaving to go back on patrol. But beofr he did he told me Garroth was here. Good.
Climbing the ladder all the way to the top I thought of how I would tell him.

We're going to reform zane.


Are you proud of me? Yeah I know... You want to throw rocks at me...


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