chapter 10: redemption

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Third person:

Ever since what happened Laurence has been always doing anything he can to help he just feels horrible for what he's done. Aphmau had told him to stop and he was forgiven but he just can't shake that feeling of guilt.
He just had to do something to make it up to aphmau, garroth and phoenix drop. He entered the guard tower and saw a sleepy, exhausted garroth walking to the door.

Laurenc, "night patrol?"

Garroth, " yeah..but I spent all day watching over aphmau and helping her out barley got any sleep. So I am exhausted. But I got to tend to my role as guard of phoenix drop."

Laurence," oh! I could take care of the night watch for you. You can get some sleep and continue your job tomorrow!"

Garroth," Laurence, no I got this. *yawn* I don't need you to do....I got this....."

Laurence's," that yawn says otherwise! Come on please let me do this. I've been trying to make up for what I've done. Aphmau says there's no need to but I got this guilty feeling in my stomach..."

Garroth, " *sigh* fine. Your lucky I'm too tired to argue. Night. "

Laurence," night!"

Le time skip to Le morning!★

Aphmau's POV:

I woke to the sun shining through my window, I got ready and went down stairs. Zoey, Levin and Malachi were at the table.

Levin," Mama! Levin extra happy! Mr.Sun bright today! That means more play!"

Malachi, " morning mom. today is really nice out. There must be a good event coming."

Aphmau," morning....*whispers* it might be the clam before the storm..."

We all sat down for breakfast. I finished as zoey took the boys out to play. Levin was really excited to go out. I walk outside a little while later. Dante was there waiting for me.

Aphmau," good morning Dante."

Dante," good morning lord Aphmau, everything I'd fine so far in the village and there has been no signs of O'khasis. Yet....."

Aphmau, " good to know everything Is good....well...mostly everything."

i still knew Laurence was doubting himself and I was still recovering myself from the.....incident.... I don't think Laurence will forgive himself until the wound has healed.
I just hope he doesn't do something stupid....

Garroth's POV:,(lolz! I know you hate me for this! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well..)

I was walking around the village, I wanted to go over and check on aphmau but I think she wants me to back off a bit and let her prove she can take care of herself. But I couldn't help it. She was my love, she made everyday brighter. Made it worth it to keep fighting. She was everything to me... And if was her I'd be broken.
Gah! Listen to me I sound cheesy!

Laurence," hey! Garroth! Hello?? Are you awake in there?"

Garroth," oh! Uh....sorry just lost focus...thinking.."

Laurence," well, I think I know what your dreaming it her???" *nuge nuge* "hehehehehe"

He knew that annoyed me... But I can't blame him cause I was thinking about her.....Aphmau

Garroth," yeah yeah. Laurence thank you for taking what was supposed to be my watch. I really needed to sleep. I've been restless recently."

Laurence suddenly got a shocked lock on his face. He probably thought it was because of him.

Garroth," Laurence, stop. That face. You didn't do anything. Its because I've been worried for aphmau and well. Even though I don't seem it, I feel weird from killing my own brother. Even if he deserved to die...."

Laurence, "okay. I just don't know what to do to refill this dent I made. I just..... I want to do more than accept an apology. "

Garroth," well....I don't know sounds like when I let the village down long ago when zenix attacked... You remember.."

Laurence," that's right aphmau had trouble understanding until I explained it was more that your honor and pride was hurt. And you needed time to think..."

Garroth," yep...Laurence your a great gaurd and i know you'll get rid of that guilt.... without, doing something grand. Now if you excuse me. I'm gonna talk to who I was thinking about before..."

Laurence," hahaha, good luck.
Hmmm..... Oh idea...."


Tori~chan here! Yeah so I've been have trouble doing stuff. Mostly be I see of what happened in the newest episode of MCD. Omg it's so sad! But the chapter is leading to something kawii!! I hope your enjoying the story and comment somethings you might want to see happen in the book.
See you next time..bye!!💙💙💙


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