Chapter Twenty-Two

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Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of heart.  Psalm 37:4

They ate and laughed and made the most of their last minutes together. And without a fuss they filed out of the house before the sun truly began to rise and filtered through the gate onto the lane. They all knew stepping back home would be easy, but forgetting what they left behind would never be and they all pushed it to the back of their minds. Friends formed so forcefully with so much tragedy and joy embossed into their shared memories were friends that when they left, they took a little bit of you with them. And you can never decide whether it was for the better or not.

Conversation and laughter did not quell until they strolled through those first few sleepy daffodils. Through all the drama, they’d just slept the night away. Tamar and Evalynis lead the way through the field towards the split tree trunk that Evalynis had first seen Tamar fall through. There they grouped and began their goodbyes. Clasping of hands and solemn looks passed between Rhodri and Anthony with Abednego, Sarah-kay and Charlie hugged and thanked Nell and Duke for all their help and kindness and when it came for Tamar to say goodbye to Evalynis she didn’t quite know how. They hugged so tightly.

“I am so glad to have met you Tamar; I would have it no other way.” Evalynis confessed.

“Thank you Evalynis. Thanks for taking care of me; I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble.”

“It was meant to be from before time had begun,” she smiled as they let go, “The Noble will watch over us. And you.”

“I know... I’ll never regret this.” Tamar looked at her feet. “I was so lost before... before this place.”

“You are always welcome with us Tamar.”

“Really? I could come-”

“Come Clarities,” Abednego called across them. “Let us go home and let our friends do the same.” 

Evalynis smiled at Tamar and backed away to the rest. They parted and turned their separate ways.

The eldest Wakes brothers took the lead and stepped up onto the tree stump and disappeared through the unseen doorway home. Then Charlie took Sarah-kays hand and helped her up. He turned back to help Tamar and found she was rooted among the daffodils staring towards the forest. Following her eye line, there was Elior, walking towards her.

“Don’t be long Tame, or I’ll rudely interrupt.” Charlie chuckled and leaped up through the gap.

“Yup.” Tamar automatically responded not bothering to look.

He was here, he’d come back. Elior. He looked tired and fraught with conflicting thoughts, but his stride was set.

Finally, finally, after slow motion seconds ticked by he stood in front of her.

“I’m sorry. Again.” he said and they both gave a weak smile.

“It’s okay.” “I’m sorry about Ewan, I didn’t know, and I didn’t know Nell was your mother.”

“You were not meant to. I am... broken, but I will mend. I could not let you leave without seeing you once more.” He brushed the hair from her face. “I do not know where I will go from here yet. You have taught me so much Tamar, and I still feel worthy of so little.”

“You know where you belong.” She said and he sighed.

“Yes, I suppose I do.”

There they smiled at one another among the smiling morning daffodils, the little girl and the lost boy.

Elior linked her fingers in his and walked her to the tree. They paused just before and shared one last knowing looking, memories racing from then back to when he’d found he flat on the floor and she’d first met his silver stare. She squeezed his hand tight then turned and stepped up onto the tree stump and closed her eyes as she forced herself back into her life. And as the warm midday air met her skin in the unkempt field back home she felt his hand reluctantly slip from hers.

Charlie waited on the fence while the others lingered behind him. With the look on her face he gave her a nod slid over the fence to join the others as they began wandering back to the farm.

Tamar shoved her hands in her pockets ready to trail on after them but felt something smooth fall between her fingers. Pulling her hand back out, there sat a little seed in the palm of her hand. It was the one the little girl had given her when she first arrived in the Clarity Sept, welcoming her to grow with them. Tamar crouched down and scooped out a handful of dirt before dropping the little seed in. She re-covered it and patted the dirt down just like she’d seen Duke do. Then standing up she looked proudly at the fresh mound, knowing what lay just feet behind it.

She turned away and called, “Hey, wait for me!” 

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