Chapter Four

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She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

          She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron

Tamar tumbled into a forward roll, landing with a thud. Her legs lay splayed out in front of her and her fingers dug into the ground for reassurance. Momentarily blinded by the light that shone in her eyes, it took a second for her to see anything at all.

After adjusting to the brightness Tamar remained confused at why the initial sting of colour didn’t cease. It was obviously day time, but a yellow glow surrounded her. Vibrant swaying daffodils shone on every side. The meadow was full of yellows and greens that glowed in a way she couldn’t comprehend. At intervals huge trees stood tall and proud, but the sun beams still filtered through their high branches. After relaxing her grip she allowed a hand to drift over the petals. A warm breeze bounced off her skin, bringing a peace over her that she’d never felt before. The very air around her seemed to be humming with life. It rippled with energy. The trees swayed and set the light and shadows at war around her as the branches moved. Something glittered a few trees in front of her, outside the area in which she had managed to absorb. Scanning the spot, Tamar found the mahogany coloured eyes of a girl with emerald hair. She was about Tamar’s age, with fair skin. Her hair of the richest green tumbled in curls down to her knees, the top half pulled back into a plait, yet more still draped over her shoulder like a shawl. She wore a dress of cream, something like that of fairy tales. It was beautiful yet simple; it made Tamar think of rose petals and weddings. The girl stood frozen, clutching a basket of daffodils with both hands. Tamar rose slowly to her feet, not blinking for the fear this girl might disappear.

“Who are you?” Tamar asked, “Where am I?”

“You fell…” the girl murmured, “you fell out of thin air.”

“The other side was – was higher,” Tamar gestured behind her, “I don’t understand. Please, please tell me where I am?”

“You are in the Radiance Lands, of the Clarity people. How did you come to be here like that? Are you of the Fallen’s?” She questioned, inquisitive.

“I just – crawled? Through this field near my house at the farm, I saw a sheep disappear through it today and I came back tonight – well it was night – and just… appeared here.” She rambled out in one breath. “Who are the Clarities and what’s a fallen?”

The girl gasped. She walked swiftly to Tamar and paused a few feet away in timidity.

“You know nothing of where you are?” she asked, her voice shy but soft and musical.

“No. Should I?” Tamar replied.

The girl gasped once more. She gained composure and offered her hand in greeting.

“Evalynis Pryderi. Most wonderful to meet you.” She beamed.

“Tamar Wakes” she replied, bemused by this introduction.

“I must ask,” Evalynis continued, “would you return to your ‘appearing’ or walk this fine afternoon with me? You have been long anticipated.”

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