Chapter Thirteen

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"The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it."

John 10:12

I don’t know what to say,” gaped Charlie. For the first time in his life he felt absolutely no need to even remotely irritate his big sister, he could see she was distraught. Only utter astonishment and a daunting worry filled his thoughts.

From leaving Winsome Cottage to check on the farm Tamar had filled Charlie in on all the details since she’d last seen him at the farm. At first he felt inclined to believe it was a hoax - had he not seen the fear on his brothers’ faces and the seriousness on Tamar’s, he may have indeed believed otherwise. As it was, he knew in his heart his brothers were in danger, if that is, they were still alive. He’d also held his tough big sisters hand as she’d let tears slip when telling him of the situation she’d left Elior, Evalynis and Abednego in, as well as getting their elder brothers kidnapped. And also for the first time in his life it occurred to him it might be her that needed looking after now.

“So what’s the plan when we get to the farm? We’re already on Honey End Lane” said Charlie optimistically.

“Well… I haven’t exactly planned anything.” “I guess we’ll just creep towards the nearest barn and see if anything seems out of the ordinary, then I guess we’ll just go from there?” she replied shrugging her shoulders.

Charlie nodded and looked ahead for any signs of life at the barn. As the lane opened up they scurried secret agent style from bush to bush, but ever so less elegantly.

“Charlie, get down!” Tamar murmured as they heard noise from the nearest barn. Charlie hit the deck next to her and they both waited in silence. Equipment was being moved around and the horses sounded unsettled. Tamar made to move but Charlie was already on his feet.

“Charlie!” she whispered frantically, “Charlie get back here! Stop it!” but he was already tip-toeing closer. He rotated to do a full three-sixty check and carried on. “Char-liee!” Tamar almost groaned, “Listen to me!” She was on her feet and after him but he was already at the barn.

He crept towards the door, back against the wall, and as he peered around the corner he found himself face to face-

“Charlie!” Screeched Sarah-kay, “You scared me half to death! I didn’t hear you coming!”

Charlie stood there white faced for a moment; his relief flooding over the adrenaline fuelled bravery. Tamar ran past him and wrapped her arms around Sarah-kay in a bear hug.

“You’re alright!” she gushed. Then pulling back she began questioning. “So they haven’t been here? Is everyone else o.k.? Have you seen anyone in the corner field? We need to check!” She grabbed both their arms and began to drag them out of the barn but Sarah-kay ran around in front of them.

“What on earth are you talking about? Of course everyone’s fine. What has this got to do with the corner field? And Tamar, where have you been?” she fired back, utterly confused. Tamar tried to start but couldn’t even get that far.

“I – the lamb – the field – that place – Urgh!” she pointed at herself then the field then back again and finally gave up exasperated. “Charlie?” she pleaded.

“Tamar go and change, you look disgusting and take care of your hands. I’m sure Sarah-kay won’t mind.” He nodded her on. “I’ll explain.”

“My clothes don’t matter!” she boomed.

“Just go and do it!”Charlie demanded, his voice stronger than she’d ever heard it, “And when was the last time you ate?” he probed.

“Fine,” she consented, “five minutes and we’re gone. Come up with a plan to get me in there.”

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