Chapter Twenty-One

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‘Tis true, ‘tis day, what though it be?

O wilt thou therefore rise from me?

Why should we rise because ‘tis light?

Did we lie down because ‘twas night?

Love, which in spite of darkness brought us hither,

Should in despite of light keep us together.

Break of Day by John Donne

As the crowds wondered home together through the pleasant morning sunshine, Tamar smiled. Some Clarities sang melodious tunes in twos or threes as they strolled whilst others were held by a humbled quietness. A quietness that held until Evalynis skipped back through the stream of people to cry out to Tamar;

“I found Abednego! He is healing! Quite miraculously!” she’d run with such gusto that she almost knocked Tamar back. “They found him last night on the cliffs and he slept like the rest of us. They say he will be fine once his wound is clean and dressed. Nell is seeing to him as we speak.”

Tamar went to reply but all she could do was smile and laugh as all surrounding her shouted again with joy and praise at the news. She threw her arms around Evalynis and hugger her tight before turning her around and giving a gentle push back the way she’d come. Evalynis grinned back at her before setting off to be with her brother.

 Tamar was struck by how much love held these people together, how much faith. They let it help them overlook transgressions and insecurities, nurturing a constant growing of meekness. These were the Noble’s people. He may not always be with them but his words never left their hearts. The grateful procession behind those carrying Chase had made their way out of the cove and home towards the Radiance Lands.

Occasionally, a being would let them self be drawn from their hiding place and join the crowds. These Fallens approached hesitantly but were welcomed with open arms. When they passed the willow trees near the narrow gate numerous beings filtered out. Their faces were calm and smiling even if their bodies appeared nervous. It was clear they had gathered at the nearest copy of the Truth they could find and all present had heard its words.

Tamar recognised one of the elder watchmen from the wide gate and a young girl whose skin glowed brighter with every step closer she took towards the crowds. Glee spread across her face as she found familiar faces among the audience gathered there.

“Aunt Gwen!” the girl called in a beautiful voice.

“April!” the Aunt cried, tears of joy streaming down her face. She broke from the crowd and ran to her niece. It was clear the girl had fallen sometime ago, but here she was, redeemed. More appeared from the trees, strangers and old friends alike. The Sept was full of rejoicing.

A revival was seen that day as the stars gained noticeable numbers and the moon grew dull as the sun rose.

Charlie came to Tamar’s side and took her hand. He didn’t need to say anything now; this was more than enough from her little brother who, after all, didn’t seem so little anymore. The Clarities reached the narrow gate and began filing through, the intermittent Fallens looking utterly at ease as they breezed into a new life of Clarity. Sarah-kays’ hand came to tug at Tamar’s sleeve and she turned to see her nod a little way down from the gate. Through passing legs Tamar met Elior’s tired and sorry eyes. He was sat just to the side of the gate, arms resting on his knees, vigilant but exhausted. As she let go of Charlie’s hand and lagged to the back of the crowd he rose and awaited her accusation. She smiled at him and he only managed half a smile back.

Radianceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें