Chapter Fourteen

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 “My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray and caused them to roam on the mountains. They wandered over mountain and hill and forgot their own resting place.

Jeremiah 50:6

Sitting at the table as the image of despair they found Evalynis. She held a mug in her hands that rested on her lap. She looked drawn and her hair was had been wrestled into a messy plait to keep it from her tears. Hopelessness gripped her. Duke gave them a little space and busied himself within earshot in the kitchen. Tamar approached her alone.

“Evalynis?” Tamar waited for the anger she had heard from Duke, but Evalynis was true to form and anger was the last emotion she would have portrayed. Her face was bleak as she lifted her head to them. It was clear seeing Tamar brought little hope to her now.

“Oh Tamar, I cannot bare this. No one has heard anything of Abednego.” She crumpled in pain. Tamar ran to her side and embraced her. For a little while they cried together. When they parted Tamar began her apologies again while Duke hesitated in the doorway.

“This is my fault Ev, I’m so sorry. He will be alright-”

“You cannot blame yourself for this,” Evalynis sniffed, ever gracious.

“I can.” Tamar explained. “They wouldn’t have needed Abednego if I hadn’t made the Fallens suspicious and he wouldn’t have been out looking for me if I hadn’t worried you both. But we can get our brothers back, I know we-”

“‘Our’ brothers?” Evalynis cut in frowning.

“Yes, our brothers.” She paused and let Evalynis find the bewildered companions behind her. “The Fallens followed me home Ev, and they found two of my brothers after tearing the house apart in search of me. Charlie saw it all from our garden. They have taken them hostage. I’ve put so many people in danger and I can’t walk away from this when it’s me they want. My youngest brother and my friend offered to help and I couldn’t turn down the offer. But we need you Evalynis, you know more than the three of us put together.”

“This is terrible. But how can we go to them? It is too dangerous. We don’t even know if they are still alive. And they would greatly outnumber us even if every Clarity in our land went to rescue them...” Evalynis tailed.

“But we can’t do nothing!” Charlie cut in making both of the crying girls jump. Tamar eyed him down and he backed against the wall again in mock surrender. She turned back to Evalynis.

“He is right Ev, we have to try.” There was quiet for a moment and Duke shuffled to the doorway.

“And family is worth fighting for.” Evalynis said in a tiny voice. Worry still creased her forehead and tears stained her cheeks, but a little hope shone through her declaration. Tamar let a small smile loose and it spread around the room as Evalynis rose from her chair. “To the Fallens?” she asked.

“To the Fallens.” Tamar confirmed. The four of them headed for the door.

“W-wait!” Duke burst. “I must come too!” They all looked a little stunned at each other and Charlie was quite bemused looking down at the old man. “Can’t let you y-youngsters have all the f-fun can I?” Duke chuckled a little embarrassed.

“Duke you don’t have to,” Tamar explained as gently as she could, “I really appreciate it but I can’t ask that of you, you may get caught, you’re – well – slower than the rest of us.”

Duke’s face fell a little as he knew she was right but his gracious heart just wouldn’t let up.

“Let me help, please.” He asked, “You need a plan and I can help you.” Tamar’s heart really went out to him, he was so genuine.

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