Chapter Fifteen

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 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

Hebrews 13:2-3

Everyone stood a moment in quiet before Duke shuffled forward and caught Tamar’s arm. He looked her straight in the face and said without a stutter, “I am quite well Miss Tamar. And that is that.” He pushed past her and the rest of them followed in haste. Sarah-kay lingered to the last and tugged on Tamar’s sleeve as she passed.

“We came to help Tame, stupid or not. Come on...”

Tamar sighed and turned to follow, the gloom ahead had already engulfed Duke and Evalynis.

She found them grouped around the first door on the right straining to make out voices. The only light in this corridor were the single candles in a small crevice above each room’s entrance.

“I am sure it is them.” Evalynis said, pressing her hand against the door.

“Quietly Miss Pryderi, we must be cautious.” Duke whispered, nodding to Tamar.

“Ev?” Came a cracked and worn voice from the other side of the door, “Duke? Is that truly you?”

“Abednego!” Evalynis cried, “It is us!” She banged on the door with her fist.

“It’s open Ev. No one is stupid enough to come in here so they do not lock it.” Abednego said with a strained mocking tone. Charlie gently steered Evalynis out of the doorway and Tamar took her hand to keep her close. There was no guarantee of safety inside that room even if it sounded like Abednego. Charlie put his hand on the door handle as Sarah-kay and Duke flanked him to enter. He pushed it down and shoved his shoulder into the door. It flew open with a creak and they flooded inside.

But there was no danger, only a sense of despair.

The room was circular, not unlike the one Tamar had stayed in, but these wall were dirty and bare in comparison. The muddy dome was only interrupted by protruding metal loops for ropes and a few weapons of torture everyone avoided looking at. A single candle sat unlit to the side of the door on a table with more rope. Sarah-kay fumbled around in the dim light from outside and eventually struck a damp match that ignited the wick. As she stepped out of the way the room was thrown into a grim relief of shadows.

In the centre stood an exhausted Abednego. A rusted metal pole with a circular top tied his wrists there, disabling any position except standing or crouching with your arms above your head. Abednego had an arm linked through the hole and seemed to be resting the better part of his body weight on it. His legs looked weak and battered. On the other side two more figures stirred from the sudden brightness. One was roped wrists to ankles and leaned his body to the wall. The other lay sprawled on the floor as though beaten with one arm raised and tied above him and the other attached to a lower peg near his head. Both looked only half conscious.

Gasps escaped the rescuers and hands flew to mouths. Evalynis was the first to move as she rushed to her brother, taking his face in her hands.

“What have they done to you? How long have you been like this?” she cried as tears began to spill from her eyes.

“It’s alright Ev, nothing I cannot recover from.” He said patting her cheek feebly, “May need you to do the cooking for a while though.”

“That is nothing new.” Evalynis smiled through her tears as she tugged on the knots bonding her brother’s wrists together. Duke shut the door behind them and went to assist Evalynis. Abednego looked up to seek out Tamar. His gaze flitted over the two unknown guests before concentrating on her.

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