She saw Chase, his shell wrapped up in his own wings. The Noble had prepared the body himself, ready for the Clarities to take Chase home. But why didn’t he just bring him back Tamar thought. If he could do it for himself; why not Chase? She was suddenly furious in her grief.

“Why are you leaving him like that!” she barked, needing a resurrection not an answer. But she waited for his reply all the same.

“It was his time, Tamar. Everyone must leave one day, it is certain. Why not now? When would anyone ever be ready for death?”

She thought a moment; still wanting to fight for Chase.

“But he died for you. In your name. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

“Tamar, that means everything. But as I have said, many martyrs have been and are still to come. It does not bring me joy to witness how they must leave this world but the imprint they leave is much greater than our grief. Chase is not lost; he is in the Everlasting, perfected. He will never have to lose sight of me again.”

“How can he be alright? They murdered him, his body is right there.” Tamar tried to protest.

“There is much more to a man than just his body, Tamar. Look at how you care for him even now he is gone, that is much more than just your physical body at work, yes?”

Her silence was enough of a response.

“Do you understand the impact of his sacrifice? It will not be forgotten. All will remember his cause and think upon it. There is no greater gift he could have left us with.”

Tamar felt deflated. Chase had died for her. He’d died helping her find her family and to try and save them. But he’d known, she was sure, he’d known she wasn’t the Innocent. He’d never tried to tell her that, he’d only ever intended to tell her of the Noble. It was Him Chase was trying to find.

“Chase was looking for you last night wasn’t he? He knew you were the Innocent, not me.”

“Yes.” The Noble sighed. “He knew I would not let this misunderstanding come to pass. He saw signs of my arrival long before anyone else.”

“What about the Clarities? How did they know?”


“Nell?” Tamar repeated in shock. “But she wouldn’t help us, she wouldn’t brave the Fallens. The Clarities must have sensed you or something? You’re like their deity.”

“Bravery comes in many forms Tamar, and for Nell, she was courageous. She may not have ventured into the lion’s den with you but she certainly reached her arms into the cage. Nell has suffered great loss to the Fallens and for her to sit in wait for you at the Belljune Bridge was torturous. When the crowds flooded the forest with your family and headed for the shore she saw them, she heard their plans. She roused the Clarities and told them the truth of who you are, in seconds they were at her beckon call. Nell led them to you.”

Tamar was at a loss for words. The term to never judge a book by its cover resounded in her head. But then she considered more, back to why the Clarities would follow her at all.

“What about your sacrifice?” she asked. “The Clarities didn’t know that it was meant to be you.”

“Yes you are correct. Many misunderstood the message I left for them. They thought mythical but true, but they underestimated my role in this story. ‘From a kingdom not of this world, the innocent one will come to take away the Fall of us all. Here will come the servant, who is upheld, the chosen one. They will bring justice to all nations.’ See where they went wrong?”

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