Oh my God.

My eyes.

They're yellow.

Oh my God what is happening?

"Sebastian, what's happening to me? Am I shifting?" I ask in fear.

"No, because you never shifted during puberty you are technically fully human and will never be able to shift."

"So why are my eyes yellow? And why am I healing so fast?"

"I think that's because you've been using the baby's strength."

"Oh no, is that gonna affect the baby?"

"No!" He says quickly as if I'll explode if another negative thing comes out of this day. "I promise it won't." He says softly to reassure me.

"Okay, well now that we've gotten that out of the way can someone tell me why I was just thrown across the room?" Vanessa asks as she rubs her back.

I walk past Sebastian and stand in front of her, a look of disbelief on my face.

"You're seriously going to play that card Vanessa? You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Look if it's about the hunter thing, I swear I'm not one. I mean sure I was raised to be one and I may no a thing or two about the supernatural but that doesn't mean I go around slaying dragons and shooting silver bullets at werewolves. I'm not a Winchester." She says.

"So what? You just went against the family?" Killian asks, not believing a single word that comes out of her mouth.

"Yes. My parents wanted me to become a hunter but I have dreams, goals, things I want to accomplish in life. I don't want to live a life where everyday I have a different identity and being a serial killer that kills monsters. That's not me."

"Yeah, as if the King family of hunters are just going to let you get away with denying the family business." Killian says, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Of course they didn't! That's why I was writing that story!" Vanessa exclaims.

"Wha story?"

"The super secret story that I couldn't tell you about. It was about werewolves and a few of the other supernatural creatures out there. I had all kinds of evidence that would back me up and prove that I wasn't some crazy conspiracy theorist. Then Ned got himself abducted and I had to give it up."

"Wait, that was you that was writing that story?" Sebastian asks, his face serious.

"Yeah, why?"

"Dammit Vanessa, Callia and I were the one who took that man." Sebastian says.

"What?! You two were the knuckleheads that ruined the only chance I'd ever have of getting out of becoming a hunter? Thanks a lot asshole." Vanessa says with an annoyed tone.

"Look, this still doesn't make up for the fact that you knew about what your parents did." I say angrily.

Vanessa scrunches up her face in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I mean what they did to my parents! They kidnapped my mother when she was pregnant with me so that they could capture and kill my father Vanessa! They killed him and used my mother as a way to make sure that I would never become a werwolf and never know about my family roots."

"Whoa. No, I never knew anything about that Lia! I swear, I would never do that to you? Oh my God!"

"I find that hard to believe."

"No I swear! Lia you know I've never been as close to my parents as my brothers have. There are still things that I don't know about. I can't believe they did that." I relax when I see that the shock and hurt in her eyes are real. She never knew.

"You never knew anything?"

"Amelia Marie Taylor I would never do that to you. You're like a sister to me!"

"Okay." I say softly as I pull her into a hug.

"Does this mean I can't kill her?"

The three of us, Sebastian, Vanessa and I, turn to glare at Killian.

"What, I-"

"Aah!" Suddenly, I'm overcome with a sharp pain in my stomach and before I know the world starts to disappear as my vision blurs.

"Sebastian..." I say before I succumb to the darkness.

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