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Well here we are, my very first fanfiction. Finished. 

I know that this story will never be my proudest piece of work, but it is pretty special to me. My writing has developed so much from the start of the book, to the end and will need major editing at some point, but for the moment I'm going to leave it as it is. 

When I first started this, on the first of April, 2013, there was nothing. But then I made friends, I gained readers and my own little community and that will be something that I will treasure for a long time. 

Now, here we are, 6 months later and I have nearly reached 1,000 votes which will forever be a major landmark for me and 257 followers, if you think about it, 257 people that have followed you, if they were stood in front of you, then that would scare me. 

There have been a few special people that have helped me keep motivated, and they will get a special mention because they have helped me too much. 







and last, but definately not least, ohnoitsthatbooknerd. Missy, you have been fantastic and I love you and this story goes out to you. Thank you so much!

So there we are, Inked is finished and there will be a little green tick but I hope people continue to read it as I don't want the reads to dissapear!

Thank you, i love every single one of you!

amy - xx 

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