vii. comforting pain

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That was all I felt in the side of my stomach in the place where I got shot.

This happened sometimes; sometimes I got pain where I was shot. It wasn’t the pinprick sort of pain. It was the type of pain that made you want to scream and cry because it felt like you had been stabbed.

The tears fell down my face and I repeatedly screamed ‘Ow’ until someone rushed in. I didn’t really care about who would come to my aid, I just needed someone. Hell, I wouldn’t mind if it was Harry!

Someone opened the door and turned the light on and obviously saw me in pain and rushed to my aid.

“Evelynn can you hear me?” Harry’s tired voice said to me.

As I said, I really didn’t care at the fact that Harry was helping me. I just needed help because this was killing me, not literally but it was one of the most painful experiences I have had apart from being shot.

“I… Need… Painkillers…” I said, using every ounce of energy that I had left in my body to say those three words.

“I’m not leaving you. I’m positive Niall has some in his bedside drawer.” Harry said and started to turn the drawers upside down in search for some painkillers.

“Found them!” Harry said triumphantly and got me a bottle of water from the top of the bedside table that had always been there.

Harry awkwardly tried to pass me the painkillers but I was shaking so much I couldn’t even put my hand to my mouth. So Harry fed me the painkillers. He put the little white capsules into my mouth and then put the bottle in my mouth like a baby drinking milk. He decided that the easiest position to comfort me in was me sat on his lap.

I was sat on his lap, my head leaning into his chest. He was stroking my hair and whispering sweet nothings and occasionally kissing the top of my head. The pain had subsided but I was still in the state where I was emotional and needed anyone to help me.

“Harry, don’t leave m-me.” I stuttered and he just shushed me like a new born baby.

“I’m not going anywhere Evelynn.” He reassured me. “Try and get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”

With that final statement from Harry Styles, the boy that has a caring side. I drifted into unconsciousness, still on Harry’s lap.


As I lumbered back into the real world I suddenly remembered what had happened last night. Pain. Harry. Comfort. Sleep. Everything rolled into my mind at once.

I sat up sharply and scanned around the room and didn’t see Harry anywhere. So that had meant that he didn’t take any sort of advantage of me and gone back to his own room. I rubbed my eyes, removing all the sleep and jumped out of bed.

What I didn’t realise was the fact that Harry had slept on the floor next to my bed and I had stepped on his stomach. His eyes flew open in pain and his face screwed up.

I stepped over him and looked down at him with shock on my face at the fact that he slept on the floor?!

“Why did you sleep on the floor? I was fine you know!” I said quickly, still recovering from the fact that I had stood on someone.

Once Harry had got over his pain, he answered me. “I wasn’t going to leave you in the state that you were in was I?” He defended himself.

“I. Was. Fine.” I said sharply and curtly.

Harry jumped up from the floor. “Evelynn, you were in so much pain. You were weak and desperate so I helped and you asked for me to stay with you so I did. Don’t you ever think of anyone but yourself?” He spat in my face.

I was furious. I was far from selfish, did he not know that I had served in the army for a year. Putting other people’s needs in front of mine and having to see one of my best friends die? I was furious; he can call me anything but selfish.

Selfish? SELFISH? You think I’m selfish? I shouted at him.  “If anything you’re selfish. Not following your fans and not giving them enough credit for what they do. Just so you can get the money.” I spat, shaking with rage.

Fine.” He said for the last time and stormed out of the room, anger evident on his face.

I sighed at the fact that he had taken my statement the complete wrong way and inhaled and exhaled a few heavy breaths before exiting the room; expecting Harry to be laughing and joking with the boys.

“Morning Evie.” Niall said, his Irish accent slightly coming through with his morning voice.

“Mornin’ Niall, where’s Harry?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. What happened in your room? Harry seemed pretty angry when he came out, and we heard shouting.” Niall said and motioned his hands towards Louis, Zayn and Liam who were awkwardly sat on the sofa’s not knowing what to do with themselves.

“We fell out.” I said vaguely, refusing to look him in the eyes.

“You fell out? It sounded like more than that.

“Ask Harry. He started it.” I said. Niall put both of his hands on the sides of my face.

“I know that you and Harry are meant to be. Just when you admit that to yourself is another matter.” Niall said.

I sighed and all the thoughts I had about Harry ran through my head at once.

Why didn’t I give him a chance? Why did I always push him away when I needed him the most? Why did I always argue with him when he put up with me? Why didn’t I give him a chance?

Maybe I should have finally give him the chance?

“Where is he?” I asked.

“Probably up on the roof, that’s where he goes to refresh himself.” Niall suggested.

I thanked him before running out of the flat, still in my spotty pyjamas. I got the lift up to the roof and saw the back of a curly haired boy, sitting on a deck chair and looking over above London.

“Harry. I’m sorry.”


A/N: OOh, kinda cliffhanger! I know its only been about 3 days since I updated but I got this chapter written so I posted it! Ta da! 

Comment what you think the #1DBIGANNOUNCEMENT will be? I personally think it will be more tour dates, something about the movie or something about the perfume. I really want it to be an accoustic album but thats not going to happen! :/

Oh here we go, another rant! On the chapter that I ranted on before there was a lot of comments and the last one I posted got about two. Its like you guys only comment a lot when I make a fuss. Prove me wrong. I know you can. Never forget I love you ♥

Gif on the side of Narry portraying how I feel towards every single one of you :)

Amy x 

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