x. jealousy harry?

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I just had to sit and watch.

Watch while the girl I was prepared to fight for danced with another man with no fight. I thought that she hated all men, not just me. I saw a genuine, happy smile on her face though. The crinkles by her eyes and her dimples came through in her genuine smile and her eyes sparkled.

She twirled round and clapped her hands to the beat of the music while she was wearing some of Niall’s best friend Sapphire’s items of clothing. She had chosen a blue, stripy Jack Wills dress with a bow on the front and low blue converse. She had braided her hair and wore minimal makeup.

This was the Evelynn that I had grown to like.

Not the reserved side, not the sad side, not the mentally and physically hurt side but the happy side. When she smiled it made my heart skip a beat because I knew that she was happy.

One thing I was worried about was if one of the boys were going to hit on her.

I knew that Niall had a schoolgirl crush on his best friend and that Louis had apparently found the girl of his dreams but I couldn’t say anything for Liam and Zayn. They were single and looking for love.

I had to make it clear that Evelynn was my girl. Not that I owned her, more the fact that I was the one that was fighting for her, I didn’t want any of the boys to try and get her as well.

I wasn’t jealous of the guy that Evelynn was dancing with. I was just curious as to why she took his offer so soon, she didn’t even know him! Maybe that was why she did? Maybe she was looking for some fun in her life.

I knew that she could have fun; she obviously seemed so broken inside and outside that she just didn’t find things as funny again. In high school she was always laughing when I passed her in the hallway.

Then an idea came to my head. What if I danced with Evelynn, would she laugh and smile or would she just look at me like I had 3 heads? She’s was like Marmite, you either loved her or you hated her and in my case, I loved her.

I loved her more than any other boy on this planet. I loved her constant mood swings, I loved the fact that she could light up my day with just a smile. There were many more reasons as to why I loved Evelynn Alison Rose but I would have been here for years.

I suddenly bit the bullet and got up out of my chair and headed over towards Evelynn and her horrific dancing skills. I got in front of her and bowed.

“May I have this dance m’lady?” I asked her in a posh British voice.

“You may.” She giggled and took my outstretched hand.

The band was playing ‘Dance with Me Tonight’ by Olly Murs and the rest of the customers were dancing along, mostly in couples. Evelynn and I were dancing like cheesy couples in the Rom-Com’s but smiling our way through our stupid dance moves.


“Now that was fun!” Evelynn panted.

We had just spent the last half hour dancing like fools to the catchy Jamaican beat. We had laughed enough to get a six pack and my smile had almost stretched off my face.

“You couldn’t dance to save your life!” I pointed out to Evelynn and she gave me an annoyed look.

“You can’t either!” She protested.

“We should really take ballroom lessons!” I suggested as a joke.

“Maybe we should?” She suggested, suddenly distant.

I turned to face her. “Are you serious?” I asked her, thinking that she was joking.

“Yes! It could be fun!” She said with raw enthusiasm.


“Oh come on Harry! Step out of your comfort zone; you have a month off right?” She said, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

“Fine, only if it makes you happy.” I sighed.

“Yey! Thank you Harry! I’ve always wanted to take dancing lessons!” She said and surprised me with a hug.

I hugged her back, smelling in her scent. She buried her soft haired head into my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck whilst I wrapped my arms around her petite waist. I failed to notice that we were stood in the middle of the street - embraced – and the press could take whatever pictures that they wanted.

“Evelynn, I need to get back for a meeting.” I whispered softly in her ear.

“Oh shit sorry for holding you up. What if management kill you? What if they fire you? It’ll all be my fault, I’m so fucking sorry!” She rambled.

I put my finger over her pink stained lips and she stopped talking but instead looked at me with this strange look that she did. It told me that she wasn’t expecting that gesture but she wasn’t biting my finger so she can’t have hated it.

“Now ssh, I never said that I was late, I just meant that I had a meeting in 45 minutes. We’re two minutes away from my block of flats.” I said and she relaxed.

Your block of flats? I thought that Niall was the only one that lived there?” She said, looking cute when she was confused.

“Yeah the boys and I live in the same floor. I can tell that you don’t know anything about us! This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.” I said, looking her in the bright blue eyes of hers.

“Oh, well I feel stupid now.” She said, her eyes filling with doubt.

“Hey, don’t. You’re a gorgeous and intelligent girl, just because you don’t know everything about us doesn’t mean that I’ll hate you and the boys won’t either.” I said with a faint smile on my face.

“Now stop with the cliché words.” She said with a look of vague disgust.

“What can I say, I’m a hopeless romantic.”

“You got that right.”


A/N: I wrote this whilst watching Titanic. Whilst watching it, I realised how much it related to Evelynn and Harry. All will become clear soon. But Harry doesn't die on a boat sinking, I can confirm that. 

Also, the dedication goes to kungfupayne a.k.a Livia a.k.a the most perfect human being on this planet. She is literal perfection and she has started a fanfic and it is absolutely stunning but she is planning on deleting it if she doesn't get readers and I won't let that happen. So I am telling you this and I will stick to it. I will not be updating unless she tells me that she is getting sufficent reads, votes and comments. She just needs to know that her story is perfect and I need you guys to help me with that.

Gif on the side is Zoella being adorable. If you don't know her then youtube her she is one of my girl crushes along wtih all 4 members of Little Mix. 

Amy x 

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