iv. surprise!

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I finished the final touches of my first surprise for Evelynn.

I was over the moon that she had finally given me a chance but I also wasn’t just quite sure whether she really meant it. She was an emotional mess when I asked her and I wondered whether she was just agreeing with me to shut me up. But I was going to make sure that she fell for me, and that she was surprised at what I did for her.

I was going to start small, throw her off the track. I wasn’t the cheesy type, flowers and chocolate, all that stuff. But I had to give her the satisfaction of thinking that I wasn’t going to do anything special first. I loved seeing her smile, in some cliché way it made me smile too.

I grabbed my surprise off the kitchen table of my flat and headed out of the door. I locked it behind me and walked out of my complex to greet some fans that had been waiting outside my house and they looked surprised at what I was holding in my hands.

“You’re glad my friend has gone to get a coffee.” A fan with brown curly hair that was sat on a wall.

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

She jumped off the wall. “Well, those flowers are obviously for a girl and my friend is a major Harry girl so she would freak out and all privacy would be lost.” She said and everything she said made sense.

“Thanks um-,” I said, signalling for her to tell me her name.

“Alyssa. But call me Lissa.” She said.

“Thank Lissa. Will you be staying here?” I asked her.

“Yeah! You better get going!” She said, I thanked her and ran down the street.

I ran until I reached Evelynn and Alice’s block of flats and entered the lobby.  Some people gave me weird looks because of the basket I was holding in my right hand but they just let me be.

I went up in the lift until I reached Evelynn’s floor. I immediately heard loud music coming from around the door that Evelynn lived behind. I walked over to her door and placed the basket on the door. I looked through the peep hole to see Evelynn prancing around the room, using funny dance moves to express her love for the song.

I recognised the song as ‘Beside You’ by 5 Seconds Of Summer. Alice had helped me organise Evelynn’s first surprise and I had learnt that she was obsessed with the Australian band so I had snuck a new E.P of theirs into the hamper.

I harshly knocked on the door and then hid behind a wall as she opened the door and looked around to see if anyone actually wanted her. Then she looked down and saw the basket I had left for her.

Then she scowled.

She picked the basket up and practically dragged it into her flat because it was heavy. I was quite strong, if I don’t say so myself, so I managed to carry it the way here with no particular trouble. As soon as she had closed the door I ran into the lift to avoid getting caught and have to come up with clever answers to awkward questions.

I made my way out of the block of flats and back to my block where Lissa and her fangirl of a friend were still waiting – like Lissa promised. I smiled a genuine smile and went over to them.


I had been raving to ‘Beside You’ before I got a harsh knock on the door. I opened it, thinking that Alice had lost her key again but there was no one there.

My initial thought was a knock a door run. There were 2 teenage kids on my floor and they liked to play pranks but as soon as I looked down and saw the big hamper full of chocolate and a bunch of flowers, I scowled.

I practically dragged the hamper into the lounge and just left it in the middle of the floor because I wasn’t strong enough to put it on the coffee table. I just sat down on the floor in front of the hamper and noticed a note on the top.

‘Had to start off simple! –Harry x’

The note said and I sighed. I knew that I had given him a chance but I honestly thought he was going to be different! Not give cliché presents like flowers and chocolate. I flipped the note over to the other side and saw that he had written his number.

I decided that I was going to text him after I had explored what was actually in the hamper. I pulled out plenty of expensive chocolates and a bunch of roses. I did like the roses because they were my favourite. That boy did his research! The only other thing I liked was the new 5 Seconds Of Summer E.P.

I had been meaning to buy that when it comes out but I thank Harry for this! I got my iPhone off the coffee table, unlocked it and gave Harry a contact. I sent him a quick text.

Me: Thanks for the CD and the flowers. The chocolates looked too expensive for me. I thought you weren’t going to be cheesy? X

It took me a lot of deliberation as whether to put a kiss on the end or not. In the end I decided to because it was a friendly thing to do and I usually put kisses on the end of every text. About 30 seconds later my phone buzzed and made its text tone noise back at me.

Harry: Like I said on the note, had to start simple! X

I screwed up my nose. This boy was frustrating, he assured me that he was going to fight for me but then went ahead and did the cheesiest things. I suddenly remembered what he had told me to do a few days ago.

Check my Twitter mentions.

I picked my phone up from where I had chucked it minutes ago and opened my Twitter app to see my mentions blowing up. I thought that the easiest way was, to avoid my interactions and go straight onto Harry’s 12 million followers Twitter page.

I scrolled through his recent tweets and found the one that I had been looking for, he had tweeted:

I am single! @Evelynn_Rose isn’t my girlfriend! She’s just a friend! Love you all .xx

I looked through some of the replies and saw that they didn’t believe him and still thought I was dating him. I had decided to delete my Twitter account after seeing some of the things that the immature little brats had said about me.

There was a difference between this hate and the one I experienced at the café. These girls were around 14 or 15 and were acting like 12 year olds but the girls at the café were 18 or 19 and knew how to hurt people.

Including me.

I finalised deleting my account and deleted the Twitter app off my phone. I opened my messages and sent a text to Harry.

Me: You think you helped with that tweet. Your immature fans just took it the wrong way. I deleted my Twitter account. You didn’t help at all. Thanks for that x

I hoped that he realised the consequences of his actions and realised that words hurt. A lot more than actions.

If he was going to win my heart then he was obviously going to have to try better than that…


A/N: Sorry for the really late update! I just really don't have a lot of time on my hands at the moment! I am telling you in advance that I am going to be really busy over the next few days so I might not have a lot of time to even start writing!

Can you guys do me a favour?

It is my birthday on Saturday (I'm finally turning 13! Yes I'm 12. Don't judge) so as a birthday present can I see if I have 1,000 reads by Saturday. I had been on Wattpad a month on Wednesday and I love you all for getting me this far in a month! 

I love you all so much!

Gif on the side is the lovely Ashton, Calum and the arm of Luke dancing in their dressing room! I couldn't find a gif with Michael on so I just went for this one! Ash, Cal, Mikey and Luke are part of 5SOS a.k.a my new obsession!

Amy x 

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