ix. dancing pancakes

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'The Pancake Place’

Was what the sign of the little café that I and Harry had stopped off at for breakfast. It had taken us about 5 minutes to get to the café and I had argued that we could have walked but Harry was being firm on getting driven, I understood where he was coming from.

“Do you think they sell pancakes here?” I asked Harry, a grin spread across my face. I hoped he could tell that I was joking.

“I think this is a bacon shop?” Harry said, looking all confused.

“I swear that this is a waffle shop!” I said, my facial features lighting up with laughter.

“I could have sworn it sold chocolate and only chocolate!” Harry said, his body shaking with laughter.

I stopped joking when my stomach let out an inhuman rumble. “Can we eat now?” I asked.

“Sure m’lady.” He said in a usually posh accent and we walked in.

The café looked homely and had a few odd people sat at various tables. Harry led me to a secluded table at the back and we sat down (not before he pulled my chair out and I almost kicked his crowned jewels).   

“Right, can we make an agreement? Please?” I asked Harry and he nodded. “No cliché dates, no cheesy actions and certainly no big gestures.”

“Is that why you weren’t happy with my gifts?” Harry said, a smile tugging at the side of his lips.

“Yes, apart from the one bunch of flowers and 5 Seconds of Summer E.P. I hated them. Every single thing that you gave me.” I retorted.

“Well as I said, I’m going to start off simple.” He said with a smirk and before I could retort back the waiter came and asked us what type of pancakes we wanted.

I ordered simple pancakes with a rich chocolate sauce but Harry went an ordered 20 pancakes with a variety of flavoured sauces. Harry had insisted on sharing that between the both of us but I said that if he had ordered that then he needed to eat all of it. He had also insisted on paying for mine because, I quote ‘I have the money’.

“I am not eating a load of pancakes and then regretting it afterwards when I have to go for a 10 mile run to burn off all the calories that I have put on.” I said when we were arguing over whether I was to share his food or not.

“Are you on a diet Evelynn?” Harry asked me in all seriousness.

“I’ve become puffy after I came back from Afghanistan; I need to get back into shape.” I said, suddenly becoming very interested in my pale hands.

“You don’t need to diet Evelynn, you’re like a stick!” Harry said and I looked up.

“Have you seen my stomach in this dress?” I asked him with my eyebrows raised.

“Yes, what about it?”

“It looks puffy.”

“No it doesn’t.”

“Sorry to interrupt your argument but here are your pancakes.” The Jamaican looking waitress said to us and gave us the American based delights.

As predicted, Harry’s was the most extravagant. His 20 ish pancakes were stacked on top of each other and the golden syrup dripped down each side like a waterfall. The small, circular dishes were full of brightly coloured sauces in flavours that obviously went well with pancakes.

Mine, well mine was perfect in its own way. There were 4 pancakes stacked in the middle of the plate and chocolate sauce dribbling down it, simple but effective. I had to prove to Harry that I was fine the way I was and that I didn’t need his luxuries to carry on with my life.

We ate our pancakes in silence, the silence was deadly. If it was Alice or any of my other friends then I would have made an irrelevant comment to silence the silence. But it was Harry that was sat opposite me, not any of my other friends.

It’s not like I was scared of Harry, I was just an awkward human being in front of him. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing because he would ridicule me for the rest of my life.

I was about to open my mouth and ask Harry a perfectly civil question but I got interrupted by someone strumming guitar chords.

I turned my head to look at who was playing the wooden instrument. I noticed two Caribbean men; one with a guitar and one looked like he was armed with his own voice. I recognised the chords straight away and Harry seemed to as well.

You’re insecure

Don’t know what for

You’re turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or.”

As he sang the first verse everyone in the café seemed to look at them. I could tell that the waiters and waitresses didn’t mind him being there because all the customers were smiling and some of them were dancing.

The singer started to move towards Harry and I as he sung the pre chorus. It didn’t seem to faze him that the Harry Styles was hearing him sing his own song and looking like he was enjoying it. What I was surprised at was that he seemed to ignore Harry; he didn’t even sneak a glance at him.

He looked and stared at me.

He held out his hand and I glanced at Harry and sent him a quick message with my eyes. It’s not like I needed Harry’s permission to take someone else’s hand. I just didn’t want him getting all hot and bothered about me going off with another guy.

He just seemed to ignore me so I took it as a yes. I took the man’s hand and smiled, and then he took a glance at Harry.

“You mind if I steal your lady for a dance?” He asked in a strong Jamaican accent.

Harry vaguely nodded but still refused to look him in the eyes. I could have stayed with Harry and talked to him but he was being a boring popstar and I wanted to have some fun.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

The way you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell,

You don’t know your beautiful.”

He sang and we danced but the whole time, I felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head and I knew exactly who they belonged to.


A/N: I don't know, I like this chapter! Whats up everyone? I'm going to have fun tomorrow whilst going on a 2345678 mile walk with school whilst it will probably be raining, knowing Britain.

Th quote up there relates to me and if you know who sang it/produced it/ rapped it. You are my new best friend and if you just want to be my best friend then google the lyrics but make sure you listen to the song because asdfgjkl it is perfect. 

I also haven't been able to dedicate the chapter to anyone because Wattpad is being a hormonal bitch so the dedication to the previous chapter goes to @SosoAlharti and the dedication for this chapter will be too @AmyWright0

Gif on the side is Olly Murs stopping Simon Cowells wedding. You won't get me if you didn't watch comic relief. 

I love you all xx 

Amy x 

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