xix. marcel

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We all tumbled out of the large taxi hoping to just be able to rest in our rooms until the sun rose the next morning but our ratchet management decided that we were all going to have a long ass meeting. There was a simultaneous groan when Paul had announced that but unless we wanted to be jobless, we obliged.

We were herded into the five star hotels meeting room where thankfully there were comfortable chairs so the next hour or so wouldn’t be that painful.

All I found myself doing was nodding until the point where I contemplated becoming a nodding dog. I grazed my eyes over Evelynn a few time in need of a pick me up and immediately smiled as I saw her slumped back in her chair and twirling her hair around her fingers. Occasionally she caught a glance that I gave and gave a discreet wave with a slight pink tinge gracing her cheeks.

“Evelynn,” Brian snapped as he tried to catch her attention whilst she was away from the real world.

“Yes sir?” Evelynn said as she quickly sat up and pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

“Stop calling me sir,” Evelynn was reprimanded again and suddenly started to stutter an apology and Brian sighed. “Here is your camera, you have to take pictures of the boys and the audience at concerts then email them all to us and we will choose which ones to post on the various web pages,”

And with that last statement and the giving of the expensive camera to Evelynn we all left to go to our rooms and not leave until the following morning. I lingered around for Evelynn as she was having troubles with getting out of her chair.

“Evelynn, Harry?” Brian said and we both looked at him in some form of attention. “There has been another mix up of rooms, you two have to share a double bed, I’m sorry but it’s the best we can do. Have good night’s sleep,”

With that last statement which left Evelynn and I with our mouths open and eyes wide, Brian left the room with a jaunty wave. I knew in my mind that Evelynn was contemplating whether to argue back but I also knew that her argument was that she would be jobless and that side won as she approached me with a shy smile.

“So I guess we’re room buddies,” She said timidly and I smiled the largest smile I had in a while.

“I guess we are, now I’m tired and I have something funny to show you,” I held out my arm for her and she linked it through with mine.

We collected the card form room key from reception and then trotted up the stairs talking about pointless nothings. When we reached the floor of our room and stood outside room ‘13’ we both took a simultaneous deep breath.

“Here we go,” I said and slipped the card into the machine on the door and pushed the silver door handle.

When we entered the posh room I heard Evelynn gasp and I turned to face her. “This is so posh oh goodness,” She said in a daze.

I heard her soft steps wander around as the breaths were taken in sheer amazement. I looked at our suitcases which had been dropped off by management earlier and eyed the paper bag with my surprise in.

I walked over to the medium sized bag and grabbed the dark black scarf which I was to tie around Evelynn’s eyes. I caught her by the window staring out into the Californian distance. I placed the scarf over her eyes and she jumped in surprise as her vision went black. I tied the ends together in a tight bow and manoeuvred her so she was sitting on the double bed.

“What’s going on Harry?” She asked in sheer confusion.

“Just wait there,” I said and grabbed the paper bag.

I ran into the bathroom and did the business that I needed to do in order to transform into ‘Marcel’. I slipped the dress shirt on and tied the tie. I pulled the tunic over my head and the dress trousers over my legs. I put on the shoes and the large glasses then slicked my hair back with a slight quiff at the front.

I got the rose out of the bag and left the bathroom quietly. I appeared in front of Evelynn and leant over her to untie the bow at the back of her head. When she had refocused her eyes she had to stifle a laugh.

I had to admit that I didn’t look my best but I knew that it would place a smile on her face for at least an hour. She had given up on her ‘trying-not-to-laugh’ position and was laid back on the duvet laughing so hard. I had to laugh with her since as cliché as it sounds, her laugh was infectious and perfect beyond belief.

“Evelynn sit up, I have to ask you something,” I asked her and she slowly sat up with an expectant smile on her face.

“Yes Harry?”

“It’s Marcel now,”

“Sorry, yes Marcel?”

“Will you, the gorgeous Evelynn Rose like to accompany me on a moonlit picnic tomorrow night?” I spat out the offer I had been waiting to give her since we landed.

“No, not with Marcel,” She said with her eyebrows raised. “I would love to go with Harry because he is hot but I’m sorry Marcel,”

I slipped the glasses off and ruffled my hair. “Now I’ll say yes,” She said and I engulfed her into a hug.

She hugged me back as I burrowed my head into her shoulder.

I finally had it; I had a date with the girl that meant everything to me.

I really wanted it to go well and mean that I had somewhat of a chance with her but somehow I would manage to screw it up and she would end up sharing with Ashton. I internally shuddered of the thought of their lips pressed together but even though we weren’t officially dating, I still felt that Evelynn should have my lips on hers and nobody else’s.

“Harry, I need Marcel back for a quick selfie,” Evelynn said and got her brand new camera out.

I slipped the glasses back on and managed to slick back my hair the way it was. Evelynn positioned her and I in front of the white camera and we smiled. Just before the shutter was pressed I pressed my lips against her soft cheeks and felt them getting far too hot for it to be normal.

When the flash had blinded us for a few seconds I saw Evelynn blushing the same colour as the rose that was placed in her hand.

I needed this girl so bad, let’s just hope it all works out.


A/N: I kinda love this chapter a lot! Just thought that it was a teensy bit cute. also i had to put marcel in there because he is my new profile picture and the gif on the side. 

OK SO MY DREAM ON HERE IS TO HIT 1,000 VOTES AND THAT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME! so can we please please pick up the voting please! and the commenting as well, i want to know ghost readers, i promise that i read every comment and take into consideration what you put in there!

Gif on the side is marcel as you all know, being his dorky self!

Dedication is to imaginaryplaces who has been beyond sweet to me and omg she's just perf!

Amy xx 

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