xviii. reality hits me

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The eight hour journey was somewhat comfortable but awkward in the same manner. Ashton and I had sat next to each other and Calum had sat on the other side which left Harry to travel with his band mate’s.

When I glanced over to Harry he was either sleeping or gazing at me with puppy like eyes. I would never say it was annoying because I knew that he was the boy that I was going to end up marrying, no matter how long it took me to admit to him or for me to fully realise myself.

When we all stumbled off the plane to the harsh sunlight of America it was safe to say that we were all beyond tired. I had got to know a lot of people on that plane whom I wouldn’t have talked to because of Harry.

Both bands went to sign various autographs to the screaming girls who looked tired and desperate. As I was then alone I went to fetch my luggage from the carousel with a lot of bags spinning round.

Before I left I glanced at the nine boys who had smiles plastered on their faces as they took pictures and signed their name on slabs of paper. I looked down the line of boys until I reached the one I was so familiar with at the end, but my heart broke in two as soon as I did.

He was getting too close to these two redheads with short skirts and cropped tops that were far too tight. They were downright flirting with him and obviously, he was enjoying it. After the original feeling of sadness died down, it was overtaken with jealousy and anger.

How dare they think that he is going to fall into their manicured hands without a fight when he is supposed to be with me? Well he isn’t technically mine to say but he wants to be?

My fists clenched and I stalked off to the carousel so I could pick up my luggage. I decided that I would pick up Harry’s as well so I had somewhat of an excuse to go over there.

I lugged both mine and Harry’s suitcases the metres that were necessary before I reached him. I rolled both suitcases along the tiled floor before stopping them when I was inches away from Harry.

“Hey,” I said softly to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

I smiled at him and when the overall reaction of shock died on his face he settled into my arms. I glanced over to the redheads who were staring at me in denial that Harry was wrapping his arms around me of all people.

“I got your suitcase,” I told him and he craned his neck round to look at the suitcase I brought for him.

“Only one suitcase?” He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows in obvious confusion. “Evelynn, I have two suitcases,”

I gave him a look that informed him that he was an idiot and he just smirked. Then a big burly man with a torso double the size of Harry’s, came up to us and informed us that we had to exit the airport.

Harry sighed but walked away from his adoring fans whilst deep in my stomach, I was glad that we were leaving. As much as I knew that One Direction’s fans meant a lot to them, they were always the ones to hate on others and stir trouble.

As we were all steered to the exit, I retrieved my aviator sunglasses from my pocket as the light was a lot brighter than England and my eyes weren’t used to it.

Harry still had his muscular arm around my shoulder and I had my small one around his lanky stomach. I knew that his tattoos were beneath the thin layer of fabric and I had to use every ounce of self-control in my body to refrain myself from burrowing deeper so it was almost like I could feel them.

When we left the doors of the airport swinging closed, I immediately wanted to take my jumper off but I knew I couldn’t because I could hardly hear myself think because of the mob of cries from the paparazzi.





The loud cries overtook every thought that had tried to enter my head. Harry pulled my head closer to his chest like we had done at the hotel back in England. When we finally got into the safe realms of the minibus we had rented out, I took my head away from his chest and breathed a long sigh of relief that I had made it out of there alive.

The ride back to the hotel wasn’t awkward because everyone in the car was capable of playful banter and humorous jokes. Ashton and Luke were making fun of Liam and Niall because they had been forced to share a hotel room because the boys’ management had messed up their bookings.

“But imagine if it’s only got a double bed though?” I came up with that point and Liam and Niall looked at me like I was on 5SOS’s side rather than theirs.

“Nice one Eve!” Luke said and held his hand up for a high-five which I gratefully slapped.

“I thought you were on my side Evie?” Niall pouted and I leant out to pat him on the shoulder but Liam didn’t let me, something about primal mating so I settled patting Harry’s shoulder.

I had been getting so much closer and in a weird way, a lot more affectionate. I felt that in every single way possible, I had to touch him, feel his luscious hair and soft skin.

These almost weird actions had only been taking place for the last two days and I didn’t know whether to ignore them or just let them take over me.

I knew that I had been getting a lot closer to the boy but I never knew that I was ready for a relationship with him, let alone this soon.

So, I was going to face it. Whether I liked it or not. The fact that I hoped would never come to face me or head in my direction.

I wanted Harry Edward Styles.

I wanted him to hold me at night with his strong muscular arms round me and his inked chest placed firmly below mine. I wanted to be able to lace my fingers with his and feel nothing else but love. I wanted to kiss his lips slowly and playfully below the dull light of moonlight. I wanted him to proudly call me his and say that his fans were not to hate me because I meant too much to him.

But one of the harsh realities that I had to face after revealing to the man himself was that…

Did Harry still want me?


A/N: urgh i'm so sorry that this update is so short and fillerish but i wanted to put some last #Harlynn fluff in before the drama kicks off. 

GUYS, I POSTED A NEW FANFICTION WHICH I SUGGEST Y'ALL SHOULD READ BECAUSE I'M REALLY PROUD OF IT! i stil haven't made the decision on whether to start writing it or to put it on coming soon so i really need some feedback on it. also, if anyone wants the link i'll happily give it to them in the comments!

Dedication goes too one of my new friends Ajay whom i love very much and we bonded over the harries twins and kidnapping alfie!

The gif on the side is Cory Monteith, whom as a lot of you know is now dead. rather than me having a completely unrelevant gif of something i love, i decided to dedicate this chapter and this rather special note to Cory. He never deserved to die so young and his family don't deserve the loss that they have had to face. My complete heart goes out to all his fans, his fiancé Lea and every single one of his family and friends. Stay strong everyone ♥

amy xx

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