vi. mixed reactions

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I and Niall thought that we had walked miles across London to make it to his flat but in reality it was about half a mile. We were being drama queens but it really was far!

“Here we are!” Niall said and I looked up at the unimpressive block of flats.

I squinted at the dull, grey block of flats. “It’s not very celebrity like is it?” I said.

“You haven’t seen inside yet!” He said and pulled me in by my wrist.

As soon as I was pulled into the lobby of the never ending skyscraper my opinions were changed. The lobby was full of very expensive looking cream sofas and chandeliers. Niall had obviously had got used to all the expensive ornaments and dragged me into the queue for the lift.

“Alright Zayn!” Niall shouted at Zayn Malik. 

The tanned skin, raven haired boy turned round to look at us. Niall waved and I just stood there looking awkward. Zayn got into the lift on the next one and Niall pushed his way through the queue to get us in the same lift as Zayn. I got lost from him so he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the lift.

“Hi.” I said awkwardly to Zayn.

“Hi Evelynn. Me and the boys have heard plenty about you.” He said with a cheeky wink.

“What has Harry been saying?” I asked him, going bright red.

“All good things don’t worry!” He said and the other people in the lift just gave us funny looks because we were practically shouting across the very cramped lift.

After approximately 3 minutes of being squashed against a wall, 3 minutes of breathing into a fat man’s armpit (No joke) and 3 minutes of listening to Niall shout across the small surfaced area lift.

It. Was. Hell.

But anyway, we were out finally. Niall fumbled around in his jean pocket to find the silver metal key. Or keys, you never know with celebrities, they could have more than one lock. Niall eventually got a small silver key out of his pocket and stuck it in the door saying ‘149’.

The key fit into the lock perfectly and he twisted the door knob to open the door. He walked straight in leaving me and Zayn to walk in ourselves. When I walked in, mine and Alice’s flat seemed like a dump.

Niall had cream carpets running on the surface area of his flat. He had stylish brown sofas dotted around in organised places with posh looking coushins on them. He had a 42 inch T.V. placed on the wall and the remote on the top of the T.V. I couldn’t explain in detail how posh and stylish this flat looked like because I would have been here for decades.

“Do you want something to drink Evie?” Niall asked.

“Do you have any cherryade?” I asked.

Niall opened his massive fridge and chucked me a bottle of pink cherryade. “Thank you!” I said and opened the bottle; being careful not to squirt it everywhere. “Maybe a cup would help. Don’t chuck this one!”

Niall got a glass out of the cupboard and walked over to me and handed it to me. “There you go! Zayn? What you having?” He asked Zayn who was sprawled out on the sofa watching football.

“Beer please!” Zayn shouted t Niall and Niall got him a beer out of his mini fridge.

“There you go mate!” Niall said and he collapsed onto the sofa next to Zayn. “Evie, you gonna sit down?”

Embracing Niall’s request, I sat politely on the sofa next to the blonde Irishman. Zayn rolled his eyes and said “You couldn’t be more rigid if you tried!”

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