viii. reconciliation

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"My silence is just another word for my pain." 


Harry turned to look at me, his eyes bloodshot and watery. He’d obviously been crying.

“What do you want Evelynn? To hurt me again?” He said and the words cut through my heart like a knife.

“I didn’t mean to say that. It just came out.” I started and moved towards Harry.

He just ignored me and stared out at the London skyline. I took another step forward and persisted further.

“Harry, I thought that you wanted to fight for me?” I said and took yet another step forward. “Can you just accept that I’m sorry?”

He stood up and faced me, the pure anger in his face showing through. Once he got to his full height, I felt like a little kid being told that they couldn’t have any sweets.

“The problem with you Evelynn is that you always think of yourself as the innocent victim. You never think that your words might be hurting someone.  You haven’t had to deal with hate and having so much expectation.” He retorted.

“Oh. Oh! You think that all I had to do in Afghanistan was prance around and shoot a few people!” I argued back. “You are wrong. So very wrong! Life was so hard there!” I argued back.

“What was so hard? You came back fine didn’t you?” He said back.

“No. I. Didn’t.” I said in staccato notes.

“Give me proof that you didn’t then.” He crossed his arms and took a determined look to his face.

“You know that pain I had last night, I got shot in Afghanistan. I get those because I’m still not fully recovered.” I said, the fight going from my attitude and the tears brimming my eyes.

“You’re lying.” He said defiantly.

“You want to see the scar as proof then?” I said with my eyebrows raised, trying to display confidence when inside I was an emotional mess.

“Anything to prove your lying.”

Those words stung my heart and shredded it into tens of thousands of pieces. He thought I was lying about getting shot! I seriously wished that I was lying and that I didn’t have the ugly scar on my stomach.

I slowly lifted my pyjama top up to the place where the horrendous scar was and turned my face up to the sky, refusing to look at it. When I looked down to Harry, I saw him kneel down and run his finger along the long red wound.

“I’m sorry for doubting you Evelynn. This is horrible.” He said, standing back up.

“Try living with it.” I mumbled to the floor which was the spot where I was analysing to every last detail.

I felt Harry’s obscenely large fingers grip my chin and making my eyes pour into his. The tears finally escaped and ran down my face. I bet I looked like a mess then. In my pyjamas snorting snot out of my nose and whimpering every two minutes.

Harry wiped the tears falling down my face and if I wasn’t a snorting mess then I would have punched him for being so cliché.

“Look Evelynn, I am so sorry for what I said before. I thought that you were just being an attention seeker but you have gone through mental and physical pain. I wish that we could stop having a love-hate relationship because in a way you are such a sweetheart and it makes me love you. In the opposite way you are a complete and utter bitch and that makes me hate you.”

“I need to get to know you before I can decide whether I love you with all my heart or hate you with every part of my body. But for me to realise that, you need to give me a chance. I know you want to get to know me better and see behind the popstar image. We have to work together on this one.”

“If you give me a chance then I can promise you one thing. I will protect you from the media and make sure that your name doesn’t get out until you want it to. If you give me a chance then I will protect you, until the day I die.”

I was speechless.

It’s not like I had fallen in love with the boy, I wasn’t even close to liking him. He had just earnt himself a place in the list of my acquaintances. It’s not like I was going to kiss him, hug him or even get any closer to him like they do in cheesy books. All he did was give me a speech, nothing really that special.

“I’ll give you a chance if you take me on a ‘breakfast date’ to a shop that sells pancakes.” I said, using my fingers as quotation marks.

“You and I might want to get dressed then.” He said, pointing out the fact that we were both still in our pyjamas.

“Might be an idea.”


“You ready for this?” Harry asked me as we stood near the entrance of the boys’ lobby.

“Yep. You have bodyguards right?” I asked him, hoping he answered yes.

“Erm, no.” He said uncomfortably and fiddled with the hairs on the nape of his neck.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I said with an exhaled breath.

“Nope! Let’s face the music!” He said brightly.

“Harry, I’m scared.” I said, stopping straight in my tracks when I saw the mob of people through the glass.

He stopped and turned around, gave me a look that said ‘Come-on-Evelynn-Stop-Being-A-Wimp’ and I just refused to look him in the eyes for the second time that morning.

“Look, come here.” Harry said and pulled me towards his chest. “You can stay in my arms the whole time so all they’ll see is your hair, is that a plan or a plan?”

“A plan.” I mumbled from inside his chest where my face was buried into his t-shirt.

“Let’s face the music.” He whispered and I felt him walk towards the door and open it.

I heard plenty of high pitched screams screaming Harry’s name and then low, manly voices shouting at Harry asking who I am. I felt bodies crowding around me and I clenched my eyes shut. Harry placed his hands on the back of my head and made sure that my face wasn’t revealed to the world.

After what seemed like hours we finally got to the taxi that Harry had supposedly called while he and I we’re getting dressed. He guided me to the taxi and the whole time I tried to resist the urge to slap every brat that pulled my hair. When we sat in the comfy leather seats I still refused to lift my head out of Harry’s black t-shirt.

“It’s OK Evelynn, you can look now.” Harry said in a voice that I strangely trusted.

I took my head out of his chest and looked him in the eyes and for the first time – the first and very last -…

I actually smiled.

At Harry Styles. The boy that ruined my life. 


A/N: This chapter is going to be very important in this book, so feel free to come back to it at any point. 

So Harlynn are getting closer, but how long will this last?

Gif on the side  is the cutest dog in the goddamn world and it looks like it needs a pee, bless it!

Also, there is the official trailer for this story that I made myself and I have to say, I am very proud of it! It's only 4 minutes long but it still took me about an hour and a half to make!

I love you lots like jelly tots ;)

Amy xx :) 

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