Chapter Nine : Consolation? I Want To Take Your Pain Away!

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Jeon Jung Kook POV

As soon as we reached home, Grandma rushed out to greet us with a bright smile.

"My Taehyungie ~ !," Grandma exclaimed as she embraced Taehyung who had no idea what was happening and yet he smiled as he hugged back.

I just stared at them with a slight smile. Gosh! They're so childish!

Grandma finally let Taehyung go. I thought it was my turn to get a hug, so I spread my arms open to make it easier for her; but instead she slapped them away saying, "Not you!"

I pouted a bit at that.

"Grandma, why are you suddenly so happy?," Taehyung asked with curiosity.

I nodded in agreement at that question.

"Taehyung, a parcel came for you just few minutes after you left to pick Jungkook up," Grandma informed.

Parcel? For Taehyung? Does that mean his family knows he's living here with us? Are they going to take him away back home?

I turned my gaze to Taehyung, wondering what he was thinking.
Taehyung was nodding his head understandingly. Then he broke the silence with his absolute dumbness, "What's a parcel?"

My Grandma and I sighed.

Kim Tae Hyung POV

"You're saying these are all for me?!," I asked in shock as I took in the view of various items in front of me - a uniform, black shoes, books and notebooks, stationeries; and many more.

Grandma nodded.

"Wait! This is my school's uniform!," Jungkook said quickly as he examined the uniform.

Grandma nodded. "The Principal himself came here to give Taehyung scholarship to Shinhwa; and he even bought all the things necessary for Taehyung!"

I smiled happily. Am I going to attend school? Wow! I'll be able to meet many more humans and befriend them. I'll learn more about being human.

Jungkook contorted his face. "How did the Principal even know about you?," he asked seriously as he looked straight at me.

I shook my head as a I don't know~

Jungkook bit his lower lip. He knew what was going on. I wish to read his mind and find out; but sadly I haven't developed that ability yet.

"It doesn't matters! All that matters that Taehyung will be attending school!," Grandma said as she embraced me in a tight hug.

Soon after dinner, Grandma sat down to iron my uniform while I watched her carefully.

"Taehyung?," my Grandma called.

"Yes?," I responded.

"Do you like Jungkook?"

I blinked at that question. Like? What does that even mean? Is it the same as Love or something different?

"Sure. I like Jungkook?," I replied with a confused look.

Grandma laughed. "Well, that's good. You'll take care of him when I'm gone, right?"

I looked at her with curiosity. "Go where?"

"Somewhere far away~"

And then I saw something sparkle in her eyes - tears. She was crying. I could feel it - that pale blue aura she was radiating off - a thing called sadness.



"Don't worry. I'll take care of Jungkook, but please don't leave us, okay?"

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