Mission 4

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"And the last mission is simple, just take out Dr. Colossus" Lester said pointing to the picture of the white hairded doctor.

Jonathan's POV

Arriving at the doctors house we exit our cars. Out of the corner of my eye I see vanoss looking towards me.

Just saying he knows

I know!

They why won't you say anything!

Shut up!

Oh Jonathan!! Sweet little Jonathan!!

Shut the fuck up now before I hit you off a wall!

Do it I dare you!

Fine then.

I slapped myself on the wall and frowned realizing it was the dumbest shit ever since my head hurt like a bitch now. At least that dumb fuck is gone.

"Where were you" Tyler questioned as I approached the house with them.

"Don't worry about it, come on" I said ushering them to follow.

"Why should we follow the guy who talks to himself" Vanoss questioned.

"Because the guy who talks to himself does this for a living" I said harshly.

"Come on vanoss he has a point, he does it everyday" Lui said ushering vanoss on.

"Why don't we let him do it himself huh?" Evan smirked.

"Finally" I said running towards the back door.

Evan's POV

"That my friends is jonathan" I said watching the man run towards the back.

"How'd you know though?" Lui questioned.

"Guys are you kidding me, do you not see those blue fucking eyes, the tanned skin and the black shiny hair" I questioned desperately.

"Oh..." David said finally figuring it out also.

"What do we do" Craig questioned, all eyes were on me.

"We get him to take off his mask" I smirked.

Jonathan's POV

Picking the lock on the door was pretty easy considering the lock was recently oiled. Making my way inside I see no television on, so I'm going to take a wild guess and say the old Mans asleep. Walking up the stairs I see cameras. Shooting them out, would probably wake him so I side I knifed them. Checking each room looking for this fucking doctor I finally found him. He was asleep, just like I guessed. Walking into his room and raising the knife I slashed down quick and effortless.Walking away from the scene I slid down the stairs and walked out the back door.

"Donezo" I said walking towards my car. I heard a car coming towards us pretty quick but I took no notice of us.

"Get down" Basically yelled. The car stopped and continuously shot in my direction. Refiling my ammo I shot the driver and passenger of the car. I walked over and glanced in the car seeing none other then stale render and Yabecip from the creatures.

"Motherfuckers" I muttered. Turning to walk to my car the gang glanced at me with a worried expression.

"Why are people always trying to kill you" David said shaking his head.

"Because his a liar" Vanoss said and got into his own car.

He definitely knows. I'm fucked... His going to kill me I need to ring Maddy!

Secrets|H20Vanoss|Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora