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Vanoss'/Evan's POV

When we talked in the group he was perfect, but as soon as maddy came over and hugged him, he dropped to a great. And when he walked off with Juliet, he turned to a dick. He went from perfect to a dick all in one night? Why do I fucking care!?!? Why is he stuck in my head.

"Look who it is" Tyler chuckled seeing Jonathan walk out with Juliet. She sent him a kiss and he just smirked and walked towards us.

"Teach me your ways" Brock joked.

"Yeah man, how do you get all the ladies" Luke questioned.

"Charm and good looks" Maddy said in a mocking tone. Jonathan rolled his eyes at her.

"What she said" he chuckled.

"Fuckboiii" Craig yelled. He was beyond drunk. He's the youngest of the group and couldn't hold his liquor well. He clinged to Tyler as if his life depended on it.

"Jess was talking to me..." Maddy began looking towards Jon.

"She wants to fuck me" Jonathan questioned.

"Yup" Maddy laughed and Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"She's so innocent, I feel like I'll ruin her" He said looking towards the girl who blushed as she saw his gaze on her.

"Just do it, take her back to my place sure" Maddy said dangling the keys in front of Jon's face. He took them and smirked.

"Welp RIP her innocence's" Lui chuckled.

"If you guys could excuse me" Jonathan said with a cocky grin. He strolled over to the blushing woman. The guys continued on with their conversation but I couldn't look away from Jonathan.

The way the girl laughed at him and he would chuckle every so often. How she would trail her fingers up his muscle arms. How he'd give her a little kiss here and there.

Evan stop what are you doing!! This isn't you, you are not gay nor are you gay for Jon. His just some dude that Is an awesome cop and is so good looking. But his a fuckboy that breaks peoples hearts, who fucks and doesn't make love.

As we drove back to our apartment, most my friends were drunk. That night as Jonathan fucked that girl, I was left arguing with myself about these weird feelings.

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