Back on Duty

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Delirious'/Jonathan's POV

Hitting the alarm I slowly got up ready to start my day of work. I tugged on my uniform and grabbed my phone and wallet. I exited my house and walked to my mustang. I slowly drive to work in the busy traffic of LS.

Arriving at work I clock myself in and greeted Scotty and Steven (ze).

"Jon, I need you to just look out for speeders as per usual" The boss said making me jump out of my seat and walked towards one of the squad cars. I hopped in and began my boring day of trying to slow ricers( people who are bad at modifying cars but they think they are unreal) down and trying to make old people go over at least 30 on the highway.

It was heading towards 3 in the day and I was chilling watching for speeding cars. My radio went off saying there was a robbery in my area. Great so much for not trying to get shot...

I quickly drove towards the scene and pulled out my gun. As I entered the store I saw one of the guys I pulled over on the floor with a gun pointed to his head. I quick attacked the their and shot him in the arm holding the gun making him drop it. I picked up the gun and gave it to one of the cops that had just entered.

"You my friend are retarded as fuck" I chuckled to the man who cursed at me. I cuffed him and pushed him towards a cop. I picked up the cash and handed it back to the guy who was shaking behind the counter.

"I think you should invest in a gun" I suggested handing him the money. He thanked me and I turned and glanced around seeing the man being questioned by a cop.

"Hey are you alright" I questioned looking at man seeing he was not shaken up at all.

"I'm fine thanks for saving me back there" he said shaking my hand.

"Its my job what can I say" I chuckled looking into his dark chocolate brown eyes that sparkled. His jet black hair spiked up in a 90° angel. I nodded a goodbye to him and quickly walked away.

I starred for way to long... Fuck!

I frowned at my behavior and walked back to my squad car driving back to the police department ready to clock off work.

On the drive home I couldn't get my head straight. I didn't get why I was starring for so long... I'm so fucking confused. That guy is stuck in my head and I can't get him out of it!

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