Are You Sure?

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Delirious'/Jonathan's POV

"Are you sure its a good idea to be putting these up" I questioned handing Scotty yet another leaflet.

"I don't know I was just told to" He said moving along the line of shops, me following closely behind.

"I Much rather not be attack by a gang and killed" I said with a sigh.

"Don't we all but I rather do this and not lose my job" he said as I handed him the last leaflet.

"Well that's all of them" I said as I returned to the squad car.

I drove Scotty home.

"Please come to the party Jonathan, its gonna be boring without you" Scotty begged. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine..." I mumbled and a smile grew on his face.

"Well see you later Jonny" Scotty said and walked towards his house he shared with his boyfriend Anthony.

Well let's get ready I sighed as i drove myself to the small house I lived in. The ghetto is what most people call it. I may have a shit ton of money but I'm not going to be an under paid cop that lives in a fucking amazing apartment, that would be to suspicious.

I slowly entered the house, greeted by no one. As per usual loneless strikes. I dropped my keys on the counter and walked up the stairs. I tugged off my uniform and climbed into the shower. The hot water soaked my hair and ran down my body.

Two of my favorite things in life were showers and motorbikes. Both helped me forget the horrible world I live in.

I slowly washed and rinsed both my hair and body. I stood letting the water trickle down. I had my doubt's about this party, but I'll bring my gun.

I slowly got out of the shower grabbing a towel and drying myself off. I exited the bathroom with a towel handing loosely around my waist. I glanced threw my closet seeing numerous suits. I picked out a causal black one and some black suede shoes.

Not wanting a tie or bowtie I walked back to my bed laying them out. I slipped the shirt on buttoning up the shirt only so far up. I tugged on the suit pants and grabbed a belt. I then walked to the bathroom drying my hair and spiking it up. I brushed my teeth and walked out putting on the suit jacket.

Happy with my appearance I walked downstairs. Looking towards the clock I frowned 6:59. The party starts at 7:30 so I had some time to kill, but doing what.

I ended up grabbing my laptop and looking up more Bounty's seeing as I killed the last 3. To my luck there was a couple of bountys. I collected some research about the male and female who held the Bounty's. These two seemed to be a divorced couple that placed Bounty's on each other. I rolled my eyes and checked the time seeing it was time to go. I entered my garage and hopped into my shelby gt500.

Secrets|H20Vanoss|Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ