Mission 2

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Jonathan's POV

"The second mission will be taking out Mr. white whose supposed to testify which if he does will ruin this mans life. He will be at his house and there will be a lot of security" Lester said showing us a picture of the house.

"Where's his house located" Tyler questioned in the ear piece.

"Just follow me" I ordered.

Driving towards Mr.whites house I see Evan dazed out.

Ask him what's wrong!?

No you stupid brain, asking him is like handing myself over to be killed.

You'll die quicker of heartbreak without him.

Shut the fuck up you cunt!!

But I'm delirious, I'm what makes you who you are, you stole my name didn't you?

Huffing I pull over into a small found area where a bench was located. The guys followed pursuit and soon they all stood looking at me like lost puppies.

"Why y'all looking at me for?" I questioned confused.

"Vanoss, well hasn't been Vanoss. He went through a hard breakup and now his just depressed and won't talk to us, barely eats, barely sleeps his just letting himself go" Lui said glancing over at the man who kicked the stones from under his feet.

You did that!

No I didn't, I saved myself, his probably on about his actual girlfriend.

His a faggot just like you!!!

Are you here to make me kill myself? Or are you here to drive me insane?

You already are insane dipshit!!

"Delirious" Wildcat yelled.

"What" I said my tone harsh.

"Give us directions" Craig begged.

"Y'all would never survive on your own" I said rolling my eyes while I sketched out the area.

"Lui, Nogla and Marcel all chill here and scope out, make sure your silencers are on those fucking snipers" I warned.

"MiniDick you distract cops from this area and shut down any phone calls to the cops" I said and he glared at me but began to work nonetheless.

"And you two fuckers come with me" I smirked and began to sneak my way towards the steel gates. Reaching them I climbed over slowly and shot a gaurd turning a corner.

"Come on then" I whisper yelled. Soon the two dumasses followed and we began to walk around the back.

"His on the run, he saw a dead body" Craig screamed in our ears.

"Calm down, I see him" I said shooting the man down quickly.

"Delirious is that you" one of the gaurds questioned.

"No I'm the joker" I said walking up towards him. He was slightly taller then me, but I was still more built then him. He took off his glasses and I see blue eyes.

"Sean" I smirked bro hugging him. Sean was marks roommate.

"Thanks for putting me out the job" he chuckled.

"Don't worry I gotcha covered" I said tossing him 3 hundred out of my pocket.

"See this is why I love you, put me out of a shitty job and pays me more than I earn in 2 months" Sean chuckled.

"Can we like leave before the cops come" Tyler yelled.

"Hold on, sean you won't mind me killing your buddy's over there who haven't a clue what's going on" I questioned grabbing Tyler's sniper. I sniped them Both within 20 seconds and handed the sniper back to Tyler.

"Cya around dude" Sean said waving as I hopped over the gate again.

"Alright bud" I chuckled.

"How do you know so many people" Vanoss questioned.

"Questions" I warned with venom.

Evan's POV

"Questions" he warned. I frowned, why is he so odd with me? He usual wouldn't mind me questioning him. His been so annoyed with the whole gang all day. Then it hit me...

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