Flirting With a Stranger

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Delirious'/Jonathan's POV

I entered the huge house and exited the car handing my keys to the young boy outside. He quickly got in and drove off. I frowned knowing my baby car was in bad hands. I heard my name being shouted behind me as I entered the mansion. I turned to see Scotty and his boyfriend Anthony.

"Hey Jon, this is Anthony" Scotty said introducing us both.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you" I smirk and looked towards Scotty who blushed furiously.

"Better be all good" Anthony joked nudging his partner.

"Please tell me there at least alcohol in this place" I frowned seeing a man drinking water.

"They said no alcohol till 9" Anthony frowned.

"Yeah he asked where's the booze and they gave him the most disgusted look ever" Scotty laughed and myself laughed while Anthony frowned.

"So basically this is a shit party" I said glancing around, a beautiful woman caught my gaze.

"Jon are you already eye fucking someone" Scotty laughed looking towards my gaze.

"Maybe" I chuckled lightly looking towards the two.

Suddenly Scotty's phone went off and Anthony gave him an unsure look.

"Excuse me for a minuet ladies" Scotty smirked and walked outside.

"How long have you been together with scotty" I questioned Anthony.

"I've been with him for 2 years but I've known him for 8" Anthony smiled.

"I'm not a man to use the word cute but in your guys case your cute together. You make Scotty really happy, his always talking about you" I smiled towards the blushing man.

"Thanks, he talks a lot. Even talks in his sleep" Anthony chuckled only to be slapped playfully by Scotty himself.

"Well guys, I'm just going to find myself someone to flirt with" I said walking over to the woman who was now at the bar.

"Hello there" I smiled. The woman turned and looked me up and down and smiled.

"I haven't seen you here before" she said starring right into my soul.

"I've only worked as a cop for a couple of months" I said honestly.

"Hm, well at least there's some new meat on the team" she said still holding her smile.

"So what pretty name dose a pretty woman like you have" I questioned leaning against the bar. She took a sip of her water.

"Linda, and you" she said a bit seductively.

"Jonathan" I smiled.

"Well Jonathan, care to dance" she questioned. I put out my arm and she linked with me. We entered the dance floor and began slowly dancing to the slow music.

9 came around and the drinks were brought out, people were so impatient for the drinks that once they got them they were drunk by half 9. I chuckled seeing Scotty and Anthony dancing silly both drunk off their head.

The night was going smoothly and I was sure I was going to get laid.

Quick question: do you mind that this story is going to be long? I've all these chapters pre written and I'm on chapter 40 already!? So do you mind if I keep going or will I end it soon?

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